Chapter 4: Hogwarts Express

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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September 1st.....

It was time for me to go to Hogwarts. I made sure to pack everything. I packed my school supplies and clothes yesterday. My father and stepmother made sure that I had everything. I packed my two birthday books to read while I was at Hogwarts.

I looked at the beach from my room before I made my way down the stairs to the living room. My father gave me a smile. "Ready to go?" he asked me. "Yes," I said to him. He took my hand and we flooed to the platform.

The platform was filled with people. My stepmother followed with my stuff. We put the stuff on a cart and made our way to the platform. People were rushing to their destination. I looked at my ticket. "Platform 9 3/4," I said out loud. I looked up to see platform 9 and 10.

"Is this ticket right?" I asked my father. My father gave me a smile. "Yes. Follow me," my father said to me. My father pushed the cart through the wall of platform 9 and 10. He disappeared behind the wall.

{Are you serious?}

My stepmother followed behind him. I looked around to see that nobody had noticed anything. I looked at the wall and took a deep breath. {Here I go.} I ran towards the wall and saw black once I ran through the wall.

Then, I saw a dim glow. I looked around to see that I appeared onto a platform. "Pearlina," I heard my father call out to me. I turned my head to see him and my stepmother next to the train. As I walked towards them, I looked up to see that I was on platform 9 3/4.

{So it does exist.}

Once I stood next to my father, my father gave my stuff to the handler. I turned my head to see Draco and his parents. My father saw them approach us. "Hello Lucius, " my father greeted him. "Hello," Lucius said in return.

Draco gave me a smile. "Ready?" he asked me. I gave him a nod. "It's almost time for you two to go," Narcissa said to us. My father pulled me into a hug and kissed my on the forehead. "Have a good time Pearlina," he said to me.

I hugged him back. "I will. Take good care of yourself," I said to him. I kissed him on the cheek. I looked at my stepmother who only gave me a nod. I gave her a nod in return. I could see happiness in her eyes. It's as if she was happy to get rid of me. Draco was saying his goodbye to his parents. I walked into the train with Draco.

We found a window seat and waved at them.


The train blew the horn. It was time for us to go. The train started move and we were off to Hogwarts.

I sat quietly in my seat while Draco looked out the window. It was nice to know that I knew someone on the train. I looked out the window to see the change of scenery. We weren't in London anymore. We were going through different terrains.


We turned our heads to see a boy standing at the doorway. "Hey Draco," he said to Draco. "Hey Nott," Draco said to him. {I guess Draco knows him.} The boy looked at me. "Who's she? She's cute," he said to him.

I really didn't like the attention from boys. Shyness was growing. I looked over at Draco who was glaring at him. "Her name is Pearlina. Pearlina Wideacre. Stop looking at her like that," Draco said to him. The boy sat next to me.

"I'm Theodore Nott," he introduced himself to me. "Pearlina Wideacre," I said with shyness. I saw a smile grew on his face. "Nice voice. I didn't know Mr. Wideacre had a daughter," he said out loud. "I didn't know until we met each other at Diagon Alley," Draco said to him.

Nott was scooting closer to me but, I scooted away from him. "You're scaring her Nott," Draco said in a stern tone. "There is nothing to be scared about," Nott said to me. Next thing I knew, the door opened to reveal two big looking kids.

"Hey Malfoy," they said in unison. Draco's looked changed to look a bit like his father. He was showing his dominancy. "Crabbe. Goyle. Where have you been?" He asked them with a stern tone. He sounded like he was the boss of them. It scared me a bit.

The two boys looked at me. "Who's the girl Malfoy?" the short chubby boy asked him. I could see something in their eyes. They looked like they were entranced or attracted in a sinister way. I really didn't like the way that they were looking at me.

They came closer to me. I got so scared that I got up and ran out of the compartment. I had no idea where I was running. I didn't want to be anywhere near them. I continued to run until I saw a boy sitting by himself in a compartment. He had dark hair and wore glasses with a broken lens.

{I wonder if I can sit with him.} I knocked on the doorway. The boy turned is head to me. " you mind if I sit here?" I asked him. He gave me a smile. "Sure," he said to me. I gave him a small smile and sat near the window across from him.

"What's your name?" he asked me. "Pearlina. Pearlina Wideacre," I introduced myself to him. "I'm Harry Potter," he introduced himself to me. {Harry Potter!} I had heard about him from my father. He was the boy who lived.

"It's nice to meet you," I said to him. He gave me a nod.

"Excuse me."

We turned our heads to see a boy with red hair. "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full," he told us. {He looks nice.} Harry looked at me. I gave him a nod. "Not at all," Harry said to him. I gestured him to sit next to me.

The boy gave us a smile and sat next to me on the seat. "I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley," he introduced himself happily. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter," Harry introduced himself to him. Instantly, I saw Ron's face turned into shock.

" it's true. I mean.  So you really have the...the..," Ron tried to say something and pointed to his forehead. "The what?" Harry asked him as he didn't know what Ron was asking him. "The scar," Ron finally said to him.

Harry lift his front hair and showed him the lighting scar. "Wicked," Ron said in amazement. Ron turned his head to me. "What's your name?" he asked me. "I'm Pearlina. Pearlina Wideacre," I introduced myself to him.

"Your father is Nathan Wideacre right?" he said to me. I gave him a nod. "My father knows your father in the ministry," he said to me. "I would have guessed since he works there," I told him. He gave me a nod.

They were very nice.

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