Chapter 25: Oceantis

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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One week later.......

I had to say that I was doing quiet well in the ocean. The compass helped me travel to the right direction. I got to see many sea creatures and places. I made friends with a group of dolphins who lived in the Atlantic Ocean. They were able to point me to the right direction.

I did managed to find seaweed to eat. They were edible.

In order to get to Oceantis that was located off the coast California, I had to travel across the Atlantic, go sneak through the Panama Canal, and up the coast to California. As far as I knew, I had no idea where to look for Oceantis.

"Where do I go now?"

I looked around until I bumped into something hard. "Ow." "Oh. Hello," I opened my eyes to see two elderly couple mermaid. They were the first mermaids that I had seen so far. The male was muscular despite his age and the female looked great for her age.

"Hello," I said to them. The female gave me a smile. "Where are you heading my dear?" she asked me. "Um I was heading to Oceantis," I said to her. They gave me a smile. "We are going there ourselves. You may follow us," the male said to me. I gave him a nod.

We swam together to our destination. "What is your name?" the male asked me. "I'm Pearlina," I introduced myself to them. "I'm Thaumon. Former King of Oceantis," he introduced himself to me. Literally, I heard a red flag.

{King Thaumon!} So the man was my grandfather. "I'm Nereida. Former Queen of Oceantis and wife of Thaumon," she introduced herself to me. {She is my grandmother.} I gave them a smile. "It's nice to meet you," I said to them.

"We are almost there," Grandfather told me. {I should keep my identity a secret for now.} "So what is a young girl doing here in the ocean all alone," my grandmother said to me "I...wanted to travel. I wanted to know what Oceantis was like," I said to her. She gave me a nod.

"We are here."

I turned my head to see the Kingdom. I had to say that it was amazing. The Kingdom was in a perfect location. In a way, it was in a shallow crater. In the center, the castle stood and glowed in a soft blue aura light.

I could see many mermaids swimming around. Every mermaid were different in term of hair color and tale shape, size, and color. "We should take you to the Queen. It is customary for travelers to introduce themselves to the ruler," grandmother said to me.

{I get to meet mom.}

"Alright," I said to her.

We swam toward the castle. We swam inside and passed by many guards and important figures. I was feeling very nervous. I had seen mom in the picture in my room but, I never met her in person. I wonder what she really was like.

Soon, we appeared in front of a large set of doors with two guards in the front. The guards immediately bowed to us. "Her majesty had been expecting you two," one of the guards said to my grandparents.

My grandparents gave them a nod. The door opened to reveal the throne room. Inside, the queen sat at the throne. {Mom.} She was more beautiful than I had ever imagined. She was older but, she didn't look old at all.

She was slim, had high cheek bones, and looked very regal. Her gold crown sat on the top of her head. She gave us a smile and swam towards us. "Father, mother, how are you two," she said to them and gave them a hug.

"We are fine. We came for a visit," grandmother said to her. Mom gave her a nod. "We also brought someone," grandfather said and moved away to reveal me. She looked at me. Her eyes immediately widen with shock.



She gave me a big hug. It felt good to hug and see my mom. I turned my head to see my grandparents surprised a bit. {I guess they didn't make the connection. My mother moved me away from her to have a better look at me.

"Look at you. You have grown so much," she said to me. She looked like she wanted to cry. "I missed you so much mom. You don't know how much I wanted to meet you," I said to her. I was practically sobbing.

She had my face with her hands. "I know sweetie. I wanted to see you but, you know why I couldn't come and see you," she said to me. I gave her a nod. We turned to my grandparents. "So our granddaughter had been with us the whole time and now she is here," grandmother said and gave me a hug.

"Nice to meet you too grandma," I said to her. Grandfather gave me a hug. "So why are you really here?" Mom asked me. I started to feel depressed again. I really didn't want to talk about it. "Can I talk about it later," I said to her.

She gave me a nod. "What are we going to do? I mean...nobody know about Pearlina but us," grandmother said to us. They looked concerned for me. "Maybe I should tell you what happened then," I said to them.

I spent a long time telling them about what had happen to me for the past month. In the end, they were very angry and upset. "That's why I came all the way here to see you," I said to my mother. She gave me a nod.

"It's good that you have came here. I think you really need a break from everything" my mother said to me. I gave her a nod and yawned. "I think she should get some rest. She came a long way," grandfather said to my mother.

My mother gave him a nod and looked at me with a soft smile. "Follow me," she said to me. I followed her through the hallways of the palace. Luckily, nobody was round to see us. Occasionally, Mother would look at me and give me a smile. I give back smiles in return.

Soon, we reached two large doors. "This used to be your room," she told me and opened the door to reveal my room. I swam inside to see that the room had a good view of the kingdom. The room had a bed, mirror, and some other stuff inside.

"I replaced your crib with the bed would be older if you came here," she told me. I turned around to look at her. "I love it," I said to her with a smile. She swam over to me and gave me a hug.

"I missed you," I said to her. "I missed you too," I herd her say to me. I pulled away to look at her. "How long did I live here with you?" I asked her. "You only stayed with me a couple weeks. I'll explain to you everything later. Right now, you need to rest," she said to me.

I gave her a nod and went straight to bed.

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