Chapter 23: Identity Revealed

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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One month later.......

I had to say that things were going okay. I was passing every class except for flying that wasn't very surprising. Madam Hooch told me that I really needed to get better or I'll be held back a year. I really didn't want to fall behind.

Defense of the Dark Arts wasn't very educational to me. Professor Lockhart seemed to boast about himself and his "accomplishments" way too much. I rather see some proof to believe and learn from him.

Today was a nice day out. Right now, I was with Ron and Hermione. We were trying to study for Defense of the Dark Arts. Hermione didn't seem to mind about Professor Lockhart. I didn't feel like I could concentrate in the class.

"Where do you think you're going Flint?"

I lift my head to see the Gryffindor Quidditch team and Slytherin Quidditch team cross paths with each other at the courtyard. {What is going on?} I started to get concerned. "Quidditch practice," Flint said to a Gryffindor Oliver.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today," Oliver said to him. "Easy Wood. I got a note," Flint said and gave the note to him. "Uh oh. I smell trouble," Ron said. We packed our stuff and ran towards them. I hoped that there wasn't going to be a fight.

Once I got close, I could see that they were holding some Nimbus 2001 brooms. {How can they afford those?} "I Professor Severus Snape herby give Slytherin team permission to practice today in order to train their new seeker," Oliver read the note.

{A new Seeker?}

"You got a new seeker. Who?" Oliver asked Flint. The Slytherins moved aside to reveal a familiar blond hair boy. "Malfoy," Harry said in disbelief. "That's right. That's not all that's new this year," Draco said to him.

"Those are new Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?" Ron asked the Slytherin team. "A gift from Draco's father," Flint answered him. "You see Weasley. Unlike some, my father can afford the best," Draco said to Ron.

I could feel myself frown at him. {You are disappointing me again.} I continued to watch. "At least none of the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent," Hermione tried to prove a fact to him.

Draco walked up to her a bit. "No one asked your opinion. You filthy little mudblood," Draco spat at her. I was shocked to hear the words. Those words were insults to all muggle borns. I should have known that he wouldn't change much.

"You'll sure pay for that one Malfoy. Eat slugs," Ron said and tried to inflict a spell towards him with his broken wand. "Ron don't do it," I said to him but, it was too late. The spell thrown him back. to the ground.

Hermione and the Gryffindor team ran towards him with concern. I followed them. The Slytherin team started to laugh at the sight. "You okay Ron?" Hermione asked him. Ron got up slowly and turned around. He looked sick.

"Say something," Hermione said to him. Ron vomited slugs. "The spell backfired. I told him," I said to them in disgust. "Wow. Can you turn him around Harry?" a Gryffindor boy asked Harry as he tried to get another picture.

I looked at the boy. "Not now," I said to him and turned to Harry and Hermione. "Take him to Hagrid. He would know what to do," I said to him. They gave me a nod and walked away with Ron. He vomited slugs on the way.

I turned my attention to Draco who was still laughing with the rest of his team. Once he saw me, he stopped and gave me a small frown. I shook my head and walked away from the courtyard to go to my room.

I was disappointed in him again.


Couple days later.........

Yesterday, Draco had been wanting to speak to me but, I ignored him. I wanted him to think what he did wrong before he got an apology from me.

I didn't think that he wanted to talk about blood status again. Then again, he was grown to think about blood status. In the next morning, he was very sorry and thought about his actions. I forgave him and gave him another chance.


I was sitting with Draco to study potions. He was really good actually in potion class. He would tell me how to make potions that wasn't part of the directions. Also, Professor Snape didn't seem to mind us working together compared to other students in the class.

"That's how you create the potion," Draco told me. "That makes sense. Thanks," I said to him and written the process of the potion. "No problem. It's nice studying with you compared to Parkinson. She doesn't seem to study much," he said to me and closed his potion book.

We gave each other a smile. I liked his company. He was my best friend. Ever since I forgave him, he had been more attentive to me and tried to be nice around the Golden Trio.

"We should start on herbology. We have a exam tomorrow," he reminded to me. "We should," I said to him.

"What are you doing sitting with him?!"

We turned our head to see Pansy who looked angry and disgusted with me. Draco stood from his seat. "What if she sit next to me. She can sit next to me if she wants to," he tried to defend me from her. I stood up from my seat.

Some of the kids looked at us. "You don't know her real blood status right," she said to me. I started to get worried. Draco stared at Pansy. She formed a smirk on her face. "You really don't know. I'll tell you," she said to him. I let out a shaky breath.

"She is a half-breed!"

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