Chapter 8: First day

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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The breakfast was energizing. I finished my glass of milk. As I placed the glass on the table, I heard footsteps coming towards me. When the footsteps stopped, I looked up to see Draco who was standing in front of me.

{What does he want?}

He gave me a smile. "Good morning," he said to me. I gave him a small smile. "Good morning," I said to him. He looked a bit nervous in his eyes about something. "um...can we talk?" he asked me. I looked at the time.

"I can't Right now. I have to get to transfiguration class," I told him and got up from my seat to go to class. "I have transfiguration too," he told me. {That's right...} I walked around the table and out of the Great Hall.

"Pearlina. Wait!"

I heard Draco call out to me. I turned around to face him. "Can I...walk you to class?" he offered to me. I thought about it. {He's seemed to only be nice to me.} I gave him a small nod. I saw happiness in his eyes.

We walked together to transfiguration class. It was a quiet walk until he started to talk. "Sorry...if I scared you," he said to me. I looked at him. "You act different when you are with the boys," I told him. He had a frown on his face and gave me a nod.

Soon, we were in the classroom. I sat down in a seat. Draco sat right next to me. "I'm sorry. It's just the way I am," he revealed to me. "Still, it scares me. it's seem different as weren't the boy that I met at Diagon Alley," I said to him.

"Can we still be friends?" he asked me. I gave him a nod. {He deserves another chance.} I looked at the Gryffindor side to see that Harry and Ron weren't in the classroom. {Where are they?}  I took my book and parchment out of my bag to get ready for class.

Soon, Professor McGonagall walked into the classroom. "Good morning class," she said to us. "Good morning Professor McGonagall," we said to her in unison. "Welcome to first year transfiguration," she said as an introduction to us.

"Can anyone tell me what transfiguration is?" she asked the class. Quickly, I raised my hand. Professor Mcgonagall looked at me. "Miss Wideacre," she called out. "Transfiguration is the art of changing the form and appearance of an object," I explained to her.

She gave me a nod and a smile. "Excellent," she said to me. She continued with the lessons. She was teaching transfiguration for beginners. It was very interesting.

After a while, she assigned us an in class assignment. I wrote my assignment on my parchment. After a few minutes of writing, I peaked up to see that she transfigured into a cat.



I turned my head a bit to see Ron and Harry running into the room. {I guess they slept in.} I returned to my work. I got startled when Professor McGonagall transfigured back into a human. She jumped off the table and transfigured to her human form.

After a while, I was done with my assignment. I walked up to Professor McGonagall's desk and gave her my assignment. She looked at my assignment to see if I answered them correctly. "Excellent work my dear," she said to me. She sounded very impressed.

I gave her a smile. "Thank you," I said to her and walked back to my seat. Draco was still working on his assignment. After a few minutes, he was done with his work. After transfiguration, we had to go to potion class.

I got up from my seat and packed my stuff. "Can I walk you to potion?" he asked me. I looked at him. {Wow. He's really trying to be nicer.} "Sure," I said to him. I took my bag off the table. "Malfoy," I heard someone say his name. I turned my head to see Nott. I still really didn't like him.

Nott stopped and looked at me. I saw him go into a trance when he saw me. "Hello Pearlina," he said to me. I gave him a small nod. He started to walk towards me but, I took a step back. "May I walk you to class?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "No," I flat out said to him. "Come on. I don't bite," he said to me. He had a creepy smile on his face. Next thing I knew, he was up to my face. "Stop it Nott," Draco said in a stern tone. Nott looked at him. "What? I'm just being nice," he said to him and turned his head back to me to give me a smile.

I was breathing rapidly. I looked at Draco. "I'm going to go to class by myself. Sorry," I said and hurried out of the room to be away from Nitt. As I walked through the hall, I remembered something about mermaids.

Mermaids were known to enchant or hypnotize humans by their looks depending on gender. It was like a curse. I had a feeling that Nott was enchanted by my looks. It would explain why the boys Crabbe and Goyale gave me a look of being attracted by my looks.

Draco didn't seem to be  attracted at all unless he was hiding his feelings for me. Soon, I got to potions class. The tables were set with cauldrons. The cauldrons were brewing something. I looked across the class.

Already, Harry and Ron were in their seat. I walked to a seat near them. After a while, Draco walked into the classroom with Nott. Draco found a seat next to me. "Sorry about that," he told me. Concern showed on his face. I shook my head. "It's kind of my fault," I admitted him.

"What do you mean?" he asked me. He looked confused. Before I could say anything, Professor Snape walked into the classroom. He had black hair. His outfit was black as well. {He looks really strict.} I was somewhat glad that I wasn't in Slytherin.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class," we heard him say in monotone.  He looked really dark in a way with a pale face. Most of all, he looked strict today. Professor Snape turned to us.

"As such, I don't expect many of you to to be adept in the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those of you who possess the ...Predisposition...I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the sense. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death," he said to us. I felt myself shaking in the inside. He had a creepy tone to his voice.

Professor Snape turned his attention to Harry. I could see that Harry was writing until..."Then again, Maybe some of you have come me to Hogwarts in procession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough that  to," he said to the class specifically Harry. I turned my head towards Harry. Hermione nudged him and he stopped writing. Now, he paid attention to Professor Snape.

"Mr. Potter. Our newest celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I mixed powered root of Asphodel to the infusion of Wormwood," he said to Harry. Hermione raised her hand. {I guess she knows the answer.}

Harry shook his head. 

Professor Snape asked him another question. "You don't know? Well lets try again. Where Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" he asked him. Hermione raised her hand again. "I don't know sir," Harry said to him.

I decided to raise my hand. Professor Snape turned his head to me with his eyebrow raised. "Miss Wideacre," he said to me. "You can find bezoar in a goat's stomach," I answered the question. "Correct," he said to me. I heard some students whisper to each other. I turned my head away from Professor Snape and looked at the cauldron. Professor Snape asked another question to Harry.

"And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" he asked him. "I don't know sir," Harry said to him.  Professor Snape turned is head to me. "Miss Wideacre," he said my name. I turned my head back to him. "They are the same sir," I answered him. "Correct. I'm impressed." he said to me. I gave him a nod.

Professor Snape assigned us to write three pages about mixing powered roots of Asphodel to the infusion Wormwood. Also, we had to write about the properties and the risk of the mixture. It was a lot for an assignments especially in one sitting.

Quickly, I wrote the assignment out onto my parchment.

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