Chapter 13: Troll Fight

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Sorry for the late update.


Halloween was really a big deal in Hogwarts. In the Great Hall the whole room was decorated with Halloween decoration. Pumpkins floated in the air in place of candles. The sky was really dark. The tables were filled with candy and other sweets. There was normal food as well.

At dinner, I gotten my appetite back. I helped myself with some turkey, roasted potatoes, carrots, and peas. Since I had told Draco that I was still his friend, I felt so much relief. In the rest of my classes today, Draco looked relieved too.

"I am happy to see that you have your appetite back," I heard Professor McGonagall said to me. "Me too," I said to her and ate a forkful of potatoes. I didn't realized how hungry I was. I managed to eat my plate of food and got more.

I turned my head to the Slytherin's table to see Draco who was enjoying his dinner. At Gryffindor's table. I noticed that Hermione wasn't in her seat. {Where is she?} Harry and Ron lift their heads and looked at me.

"Where is Hermione?" I mouthed to them. "She is in the girl's bathroom crying," Harry mouthed to me. {I guess Ron's words did it.} I remember how she acted in the first days of school and in her classes. She really acted confident and knows everything. I thought that she would have been in Ravenclaw.

Suddenly, the doors opened wide to reveal Professor Quirrel who looked terrified and fearful about something. He ran down the room in a hurry. "Troll in the dungeon," he yelled out to everyone as he made his way to the middle of the room. "Troll in the dungeon," he said again.

Dumbledore stood up. Everyone turned to him. {Troll in the Dungeon. How?} Something didn't seem right about the whole thing. "For you ought to know," he said before he fainted in the middle of the room.

Lightning boomed in the room. All the students started to panic. Draco looked terrified out of his mind. I stood up from my seat. I was a bit scared but, I didn't scream out. I was waiting to see what Professor Dumbledore would say.

"SILENCE!" Professor Dumbledore said to everyone. Everyone froze and went silent. "Everyone will please not panic! Now...Prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons," Professor Dumbledore instructed everyone.

I watched the Prefects lead the students out of the Great Hall. I waited for the students to leave the room. Draco looked at me with concern. "I'll be alright," I mouthed to him. He didn't look too convinced.

He followed his prefect to his dormitory. Once most of the students walked out of the Great Hall, I walked outside to see Harry and Ron talking to each other about something. I walked over to them. "What's going on? Why didn't you guys go to your dormitory?" I asked them.

They turned their heads towards me. "Hermione. She doesn't know," Harry said to me. {That's right!}  We ran down the hallways towards the girl's bathroom. Once near the girl's bathroom, we stopped because we saw a shadow of the troll.

"What if the troll's left the dungeon," Ron said to us. Harry pulled on our robes towards the wall so that we hid ourselves from the troll's sight. It's going into the girls' bathroom," Harry said to us. After the troll gone into the girls' bathroom, we ran toward the bathroom.

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