Chapter 16: Christmas Eve

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Few days later.....

I was having a relaxing time at home. Once I got home, I ran to the beach to see that the sand was covered in snow. I didn't dare to go in the water since it would have been freezing cold. I watched the waves crash on shore.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry would write to me letters. I wrote to them about my time at home. I made sure to write them Christmas cards. I told them that there was no need to get me a gift. I was happy to have them as friends.

Draco had written to me everyday. He talked about how he missed me and wanted to see me again. I told him them I was fine and missed him too. I told him to not get me a gift but, something told me that he was going to get one for me.

Christmas Eve.....

Today, the Malfoy family was hosting a Christmas Eve party. They invited my father, stepmother and I but, I told my father that I didn't want to go. I had a really good reason. I didn't want to go because my grandparents would be there.

Since my father decided to raise me, my grandparents were very happy to see me. I didn't have any memories of them. My father told me that I only met them once as a baby. They were well respected in the pureblood community. Also, they never accepted me.

Now, I was in my room sitting in a chair facing the window. I watched the waves crash not onto the beach.


I turned my head to the door to see my father dressed in his suit. "I'll be coming home late. I expect you to be in bed when I come back," he told me. "I know dad," I said to him. He walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Have fun," he told me. "You too. Don't worry too much about me," I said to him with a smile on my face. He gave me a smile in return and walked out of my room. I turned my attention to my bag. I walked over to my bag and took my mermaid book.

I packed 'Mysteries of the Merfolks' by Aquitara in order to read it. I opened the book to see the table of contents. {Culture. Diet. Appearance?} I turned the pages to the section on appearance. I wondered what the book would tell me.

It was quite interesting to read the section on appearances. Merpeople's tails actually change in length and color as they got older. I hoped that I didn't grow a long tail as I got older. A small description caught my attention.

"Between the age of twelve and thirteen, merpeople start to change their in appearance. For mermaids, their appearance would become a beauty. Their facial features become flawless. Whoever set eyes on a mermaid become enchanted by their beauty."

{Wonder what I will look like when I turn thirteen.}

I kept reading the section. As I kept reading, I wondered about myself since I was half mermaid. As far as I know, already, I had boys enchanted by my looks. So, I was a bit worried when I got older. {Hope boys don't get to enchanted by my looks.

I never really thought about my appearance. My father always told me that I was looking more like my mother everyday. In a way, he was right.


I looked at the window to see Draco's owl Atlas. I opened the window and took the letter from the beak. Also, I took a small package from the feet. After getting the letter and package, I closed the window so that my room didn't get too cold. The letter was from Draco.

Hi Pearlina,

I saw that you weren't at the party. I got really worried. Are you okay? Your father told us that you caught a cold. I was hoping to see you at the party. Mother was a bit disappointed too but, she wishes you well.

Have a Merry Christmas Eve.

P.S.: I hope you like your present.

I felt myself smile at the letter. It was nice of Draco to worry about me. I felt bad for not going but, I had my reason. I looked at the small package. I took the package and set it on my desk. {I am going to open that first tomorrow.}

Christmas day......

I woke up feeling very excited because it was Christmas. Quickly, I got out of bed and ran to my desk to open Draco's present to me. I opened the wrapper to see a beautiful velvet box. {What's inside?} I opened the box to reveal a beautiful jade necklace of a dolphin. The eye was studded with aquamarine gem.


I took the necklace out and wore it around my neck. I couldn't stop looking at it. The necklace looked simple but, in a way, it was beautiful. {I should really get him something. It's not fair that he didn't get anything from me in return.}

I felt kind of bad that I didn't sent him anything. I looked around the room to see if I could send him something. At the bookshelf, I spotted my small jade figurine of a snitch. My father had gotten it for my fifth birthday in hope that I would get rid of my fears.

I knew that Draco wanted to in the Slytherin Quidditch team next year. {That should give him luck.} I took the figurine and wrapped it in green wrapper that I had in the room. Quickly, I wrote a letter to Draco.

Dear Draco,

I love the present. It's absolutely beautiful. Here is my present for you. It's for luck. I hope you like it and see you soon.


I took the letter and present to the window. Luckily, Atlas was sitting on a tree. "Atlas," I called out to him. Atlas flew to my window. I gave him the letter and the present. "Send these to Draco please," I said to him.

"Hoot," he said and flew away.

{Hope he likes his present.}

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