Chapter 22: Scream in My Ears

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Once we were in the Great Hall, Dumbledore was giving his speech to the first years. During the sorting, I noticed that Ron and Harry weren't in there seats. I looked over to Hermione and Ginny. They looked at me.

"Where are Harry and Ron?" I mouthed to them. "We don't know," Hermione mouthed back to me. "You don't know?! How can you not know?! Wasn't he with you?!" I whispered yelled at her. I was in disbelief.

{Did they not make it to the train?}

I looked at Draco to see that he was enjoying his dinner with his friends. The one thing that I didn't like sitting at the teacher's table was that I had no kids to talk to. Then again, I liked talking to the teachers.

Sometimes, I wanted to sit with Draco or the Golden Trio. After dinner, I walked to my dormitory. Once inside, I laid on the bed. It had been so long since I had been in my dormitory. I didn't see any changes.

After a shower, I went to sleep.


It was the first day of classes. I wasn't too thrilled since I had to retake flying. I walked to the Great Hall to see Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table. {There they are. Where did they go?} I walked over to them.

"Good morning guys. Where were you two last night?" I asked them. They turned their heads to look up at me. "Long story," Harry said to me. I gave him a nod. "We can talk during study hour. I'll see you later," I said to them and walked to the teacher's table for breakfast.

I turned my head to see Draco walking into the Great Hall. He was talking to his friends. I ate my eggs, toast, fruit salad, and a cup of milk. {Food tastes the same as usual.} I managed to clean my plate.

After breakfast, I walked to my first class.


It was time for my Herbology class with Slytherin and Gryffindor. Herbology was one of my favorite classes. I made my way to the greenhouse to see Draco on the way with his two goons and Pansy Parkinson. I really didn't like them especially Pansy.

Draco saw me. Immediately, he walked over to me leaving his buddies behind. "Hi Pearlina," he said to me. "Hi Draco. Going to Herbology?" I asked him. He gave me a nod. "Can I see your timetable?" he asked me.

I gave him a small frown. "Sorry. I am heading to Herbology. I don't want to be late," I told him. He looked happy. "You too. I can walk you," he said to me. I gave him a smile. "Sure," I said to him. I didn't mind him walking to me.

We walked into the greenhouse to see the Gryffindors and Slytherins. Draco took my hand. Instantly, I felt shivers go up my spine. I wasn't used to the feeling. "Stand next to me," he said to me. I gave him a nod and followed him.

We stood in front of pots of plants...well I shouldn't say plants. I looked up to see the Golden Trio giving me a sad look. I gave them a small smile. The plants in the pots made sounds and the leaves shook.

{What are they?}

I turned my head to see Professor Sprout walking towards us. "Morning Everyone," she said to us. She turned her head and saw me. I gave her smile. She was a great Herbology teacher. Sometimes, I got to talk to her about different plants.

"Good morning," I said to her. She gave me a nod and turned to the rest of the class who didn't listen to her greeting. She tapped on the pot beside her with her wand. Everyone turned their attention to her.

"Morning Everyone," she said to them. "Good morning Professor Sprout," everyone said in unison. Welcome to greenhouse three second years. Gather around everyone," she instructed us. We got closer to the pots in front of us.

Today, we are going to repot mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the mandrake root?" she asked the class. Hermione and I raised our hands. She looked at me. "Miss  Wideacre," she chose me.

"Mandrakes or Mantagora are used to return those who were petrified to their original state. It's dangerous because the Mandrake's cries are fatal to anyone who hears them. This is typically true for adult mandrakes. Young seedling mandrakes can knock a person out for several hours," I explained to h er.

She was really impressed. "You are exactly correct," she said to me. "As our mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet. But just like Miss Wideacre had explained, they will knock you out for several hours which is why I have given you each a pair of earmuffs for your own protection. So can you please put them on right away," she instructed us.

I got my earmuffs and put them on.

"Quickly. Flaps tight down. And watch me closely," she said to us. I couldn't really hear her but, I knew what she was doing. You grasp your mandrakes firmly. You pull it sharply out of the pot," she said and pulled the mandrakes.

Immediately," I pushed the earmuffs closer to my ears. My ears were ringing so much that it started to hurt. "Got it and now, you dunk it down in the other pot and pour a sprinkling of soil to keep them warm," she instructed us.

Once the mandrake stopped crying, everyone seemed relieved, but not me. My ears were in so much pain. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head to see Draco who looked concerned. "What's wrong?" he mouthed to me.

"My ears hurt to much," I mouthed to him. I felt tears forming. {How am I going to do this?} I looked over his shoulder to see Dumbledore walking into the greenhouse. "Hello class," he said to everyone. Everyone turned their heads to see him.

"Professor Dumbledore. How may I help you?" Professor Sprout asked him. "I hope you don't mind if Miss Wideacre is excused from her mandrake lesson today. I would like to speak to her," he said to her.

"Of course," she said to him and looked at me. I put my earmuffs down and walked to Professor Dumbledore. Once out of the greenhouse, we walked to his office. "What did you want to talk to me about Professor?" I asked him.

Once in his office, we sat down in our seats. "I had forgotten to excuse you from your lesson on mandrakes Miss Wideacre. Being part mermaid makes your hearing more sensitive than a human," he said to me.

"Like....sonar?" I said to him. He gave me a nod. "So I need to make sure that you are not taking lessons that is harmful to your health," he explained to me. "Okay,"  I said to him. "In the mean time, you will be staying here and do your homework," he said to me.

I gave him a nod. I used the time for a study period.


It was lunch time in the Great Hall. I had just finished flying class. Let's just say...I wasn't getting any better at it. I wished that I wasn't so afraid of flying. There was no hope for me for passing the class this year.

I sat at the teacher's table doing some studying and eating my lunch. I heard and howl and some giggling. I ignored them and continued with my homework. The homework wasn't to hard. It was pretty easy.


{Sounds like Ron gotten himself a howler.}

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