Chapter 5: Sweets and Spells

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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I heard a wheel near our cabin. I turned my head to see a trolley and a woman. The trolley was filled with goodies. It had mostly sweets. I wasn't a big fan of sweets though. I didn't like eating very sweet things.

"Anything off the trolley dears," the woman asked us. "No thanks. I'm all set," Ron said and held something in a plastic bag. I couldn't really tell what it was. It looked like bread or a mushy sandwich. Overall, it didn't look appetizing.

"We'll take a lot," Harry said. I watched him take out a handful of galleons out of his pocket. "Woah," Ron said in amazement. {Indeed.} Harry and Ron walked up to the trolley to get some sweets. I took out my bag and got out my water bottle.

"Pearlina. Do you want anything from the trolly?" Harry asked me. I looked at the trolley. They had fresh pumpkin pasties. "I would like to have a pumpkin pasties please," I said to him. Harry got the goods and walked back to his seat.

Ran sat next to him. Harry passed me the pumpkin pasties. "Thank you," I said. I took a bite of the pasties. Of all the things on the cart, pumpkin pasties were less sweet compared to the other sweet goods on the cart.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans." Harry said out loud. "They mean every flavor. There's chocolate and peppermint. There's also spinach, liver, and trout," Ron explained to him as he filled his own mouth with more sweets. Harry put a bean in his mouth.

"George swored that he had a bone flavored one once," Ron told him. Harry took the bean out after he chewed a few times. {I guess he didn't get a good bean.} Harry looked at me. "You want one?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "No thank you," I said politely. I had a bad experience with them myself. I remembered the taste of a bile. Harry picked up the small box of a chocolate frog. "These aren't real frogs are they?" Harry asked Ron. "It's just a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack has a famous witch or wizard. I got five hundred or so," Ron told him.

I remembered my first card. I got Mirabella Plunkett. She was a famous witch who fell in love with a merman. She turned herself into a haddock and disappeared after her parents forbade her to marry the merman. It was forbidden love to a certain point.

Harry opened the box. The chocolate frog jumped out and onto the window. "Watch it," Ron told him. The frog climbed up and jumped out of the open window. "Aw it's rotten luck. It only got one good jump to begin with," Ron told him. Harry looked at his card.

"I got Dumbledore," Harry said. "I got about six of him," Ron said to him. Harry looked down at his card again and surprised about something. "Hey, he's gone," he said to him. "Well, you can't expect him to run a round all day can you," Ron said to him.

They looked at me. "I bet you had chocolate frogs before. What cards did you get?" Ron asked me. "I only had one before. I got Mirabella Plunkett," I told him. "That's one of the cards that I didn't get," Ron told me.

He ate more sweets and looked down at his rat who had his head in a box of jelly beans. "This is scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?" Ron said to us. "Maybe a little bit," Harry said out loud. I didn't say anything.

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. You want to see?" Ron asked us. "Yea," Harry said in excitement. Ron took his wand out of his jacket and got ready to say his spell. Looking at his wand, it was very worn.

"Sun..." Ron got interrupted when a girl appeared at our compartment doorway. She looked like she was looking for something. "Has anyone seen a toad. A boy name Neville lost one," she told us. "No," Ron said shaking his head.

"Oh. Are you doing magic? Lets see them," she said very arrogantly. I really didn't like people like her. Ron got ready to say his spell. "Sunshine, daisies, bottom mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow," he said and pointed his wand at the rat.

The spell only popped the box off the rat's head. The girl didn't look too impressed. "Are you sure that it's a real spell? Well it's not very good is it?" she said to him. I really hated her attitude like she was better and smarter by her voice.

"Of course, I've tried a few simple ones myself but, they all worked for me," she said and took her wand out. She walked over to sit in front of Harry. "For example," she said and pointed her wand at Harry's glasses.

"Oculus Reparo."

The lens were fixed clean. "That's better isn't it," she said to him. Harry looked surprised and took his glasses off to see that they were fixed. "Holy cricket. You're Harry Potter," she said in surprise. {Looks like everyone knows him.}

"I'm Hermione Granger," she introduced herself and looked at us. "And you are?" she said with a bit of accent. "Ron Weasley," he said with his mouth full of sweets. She looked at me. "Pearlina Wideacre," I introduced myself to her.

"Um...pleasure. You three should change into your robes. I expect that we be arriving soon," she said and got up from her seat. She made her way out but, she stopped to look at Ron. "You've got dirt on your nose by the way. Right there," she said to him.

I looked to see that he did had dirt on his nose. Ron rubbed his nose and looked at her before she left the room. I looked at the boys. "I guess I'll go change first," I told them. They gave me a nod. I walked out of the compartment and made my way to the restroom.

Once inside, I put on my robe. It didn't take too long. I made my way back to the boys. "You guys can go now. I'll watch the compartment," I told them. They got up and made their way to the restroom to change.

One hour later.....

We finally arrived to the platform to Hogwarts. We got out of the train. I followed Harry to a big guy on the platform. "Ello Harry," he said to him. "Hey Hagrid," Harry said with a smile on his face. "Woah," Ron said in amazement.

"Alright then. This way to the boats come on now," Hagrid told everyone. We walked to the dock. I followed Harry and Ron until I felt a hand on my wrist and was pulled back. I turned around to see Draco.

"Where were you? You know how worried I was," he said to me. "I stayed at a different compartment. I didn't want to be around the boys. They scared me. You scared me too with your appearance in front of them," I told him.

I saw him frown a bit. He let go of my hand. I turned my head and made my way to the boats. I found Harry and Ron. I joined them on the boat. "Where were you?" Harry asked me. "I was with someone for a minute," I told him. He gave me a nod.

Soon, we were making our way across the lake. It was Black Lake. I looked down at the water. I had a feeling that there was something in the water. I looked up to see the castle at the edge of the lake. It was amazing.

{So this is the school that dad went to.}

The windows glowed with lights of fire. The lights made the castle very mysterious. It was like a story book in a way.

I knew that I was going to have an interesting year.

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