Chapter 29: Home Sweet Home

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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"Back at home."

I was right off the shore of Dorset, England where the manor was located. It had been more than a year since I had left

As I got onto the shore, I transformed into a human so that I could walk. I made my way to the manor. The manor hadn't changed at all. Once inside, I walked to the living room to see no one. {Maybe they aren't inside.

I walked into my father's study to see that the door was slightly open. I peeked inside to see that the room was lit. {Is father here?} Quietly, I walked inside to see that my father was on his desk hard at work with books piled on his desk.

{Should I say something?}

I took a deep breath and said his name. "Dad." Instantly, he turned his head to see me. "Pearlina?" I felt tears in my eyes and gave him a nod. He got up from his desk and gave me a warm hug. "I missed you so much. You had me so worried. I"m so sorry," he apologized to me.

"I'm sorry too. It's okay," I apologized to him. {I guess we forgive each other.} He pulled away to have a better look at me. "I guess you went through the transformation," he said to me. I gave him a nod. "Mom was there to help me through it," I told him.

Dad's eyes softened more. "How is she?" he asked me. "She is doing fine. She misses you," I said to him. "I miss her too," he told me. "So how have you been?" I asked him. "I had been very busy," he said and turned his head to the desk.

"The ministry had been facing a lot of problems especially with Sirius Black on the loose," he told me. I knew Sirius Black as a murderer. "I see," I said to him. {How did he escape Azkaban?} Dad looked at his watch.

"Follow me," he said to me. I gave him a nod and followed him out of the study to a hallway.

We walk into a room to see a baby in a crib. The baby was awake. Dad walked over to him and picked him up. "Pearlina. I want you to meet your baby brother, Martin," he introduced him to me. He looked a lot like dad.

{Dad got a son.}

"I guess he was born after I left," I said to him. Dad gave me a nod. "I was so blind by many things. Morgana seduced me. Next thing I knew, she was having a child. I knew that he was mine," he explained to me. Martin gave me a toothless smile.

"At least now you have an heir to pass your stuff to," I said to him. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Even though I have an heir, I'm giving you some of my things when I'm gone. I'm not leaving you penniless," he said to him. I patted his hand that was on my shoulder.

"I know Dad," I said to him and looked at Martin who was reaching over to me. "Looks like he wants you to hold him. I gave Martin a smile and took him in my arms. Close up, he stared hard at me like he was trying to figure out who I am.

"Hi Martin. I'm your big sister Pearlina," I said to him. He kept his stare. {I have an idea.} I shifted him to one arm and started to use my powers. I tried to create dolphins and fishes made our of aura around him. He looked around interested.

"Your power have grown," my father told me. "Yep." Martin tried to reach the little fishes but, the fishes dispersed into different directions. I would laugh when the fishes escape Martin's grasp. This was going to be my way of playing with him.


Quickly, I turned my head to see Morgana. The aura dissipated into thin air. {She hadn't changed a bit.} I had to say that she had aged some because she had used so much make up. Her clothes were fancier than ever.

"Morgana. You remember Pearlina," he said to her. Her eyes widen in surprise for a second before she gave me a fake smile. " have grown," she said to me as she walked towards me. "You too Morgana," I said to her.

She gave Martin a big smile and took him from my arms. "You can call me mother too. I am your stepmother after all," she said to me. I wasn't gong to let her fear me anymore. "I see no mother but my own," I said to her in a tone that sound authoritative.

{I will never recognize you as my mother.}

Morgana could see a change in me. "How long are you planning to stay? I hope that you will stay for Christmas and New Years. We have so much to discuss," Dad said to me. I turned my attention to him.

"That was my plan," I said to him. He gave me a smile. "Don't forget Nathan. Your parents are coming for dinner tonight," Morgana said to him. Her words threw me off. I didn't have any memories of them. Dad said that they never liked me.

"I know," he said to her and looked at me. "You should go to your room and rest. I'll have one of the house elves bring you your dinner," he said to me. "Alight. Thank you Dad," I said to him and walked out of the room.

Once I was in my room, I walked around to see that everything was the same. On the table, my wand laid in the box that was given with it. I didn't dare touch the wand. It was a reminder of what had happened to me.

After looking around, I laid on my bed and got some sleep.


I felt so much better after the nap. It was close to dinner time. {They must be here already.} Slowly, I sat up from the bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. It had been a long time since I had slept in a bed....I missed it.


{Who could that be?}

The door opened to reveal a woman who I recognized from the pictures.


She didn't age much besides the hair. Her facial features were soft and sharp at certain angles. Her neck and fingers were covered in jewels. She wore her black and dark royal purple clothes. Her feet would be covered by the robe.

Instantly, I lowered my gaze so that I did meet her eyes. I could hear her walk towards me. "My oh my....look at you. You...grew up better than what I had expected," I heard her say to me. {Is she being nice to me? Where is the disgust?}

I was confused by her words. From what I was told by my father, my grandparents detest me for being part mermaid. I rubbed my eyes again since I still had the sleep in my eyes. "Did you have a good nap?" she asked me softly.

{How should I respond to her?}

"Yes ma'am," I said to her. I felt her fingers on my chin and lift my face. I felt shivers go up and down my spine from different emotions. Her emotions didn't show detest. "No need to be formal Pearlina. I am your grandmother," she said to me.

I gave her a small nod. She let go of my chin and stood up straight. "We are about to have dinner. Go freshen yourself. I'll wait for you here," she told me. I got off from the bed and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

When I was done, I walked out of the bathroom to see my grandmother walking around my room. Once she saw me, she took my hand and led me out of the room. I was very awkward with her. She didn't notice anything.

Soon, we arrived in the living room to see my father and Morgana looking at at a man who held Martin. The man was older than my father but, he looked very well for his old age. He had a stern face. It's as if he had a lot of power.


"Carlisle. Look at Pearlina. She is absolutely gorgeous," grandmother tried to get his attention. Grandfather lift his head to see us approach the family. Immediately, I felt fear in my soul. My body shook hard.

I lowered my gaze. {Don't make eye contact with him. I watched him give Martin to Morgana and stood from his seat. He approached us. "Indeed. She looks better than what I had ever imagined," he said with his voice boomed through the room.

{What am I going to say to him?}

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