Chapter 18: Lineage

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Photo: pAge 1 of the family tree


Few days later......

It was time to go back to Hogwarts. Father came with me to King's Cross station to see me go. The past few days was special because my father spent his days with me instead of work and my stepmother being around.

I told him about my mysterious abilities. He didn't seemed too surprised. He told me that I was very special when he laid eyes on me. Also, he told me that I was just like my mother. I was happy to hear the words from him.

We got to the platform to the Hogwarts Express. "The Malfoys should be here soon," he told me. I looked around to see many of the students getting on the train. "I think I'm going to go on the train to find Hermione Dad," I told him.

"You sure?" he asked me. I gave him a nod. I gave him a big hug. "I'm gong to miss you," I told him. He gave me a hug in return. "Have fun," he told me and kissed me on the forehead. I let him go and walked onto the train.

Once on the train, I looked at each compartment until I saw Hermione by herself. I knocked on the door and opened it. "Hi Hermione," I said to her. She looked up at me with a smile. "Hi Pearlina. Have a good break?" she asked me.

I sat across from her. "Yep. I got to spend a lot of time with my father," I told her. She gave me a nod. After a while, the train blew the horn and started to move. {I wonder if Draco got onto the train.} I got up from the seat.

"I'll see you at Hogwarts Hermione," I told her and walked out of the compartment. I walked towards the Slytherin's side of the train. It was packed with Slytherin students. I walked down the compartments to find Draco.

So far, I didn't see him. I continued my way down to the last area that was designated for me. I didn't ride on it on the way home. I opened the door  to see that everything was decorated nicely. There was comfortable seating. I could easily have other people in the compartment.

I walked over to the little snack area and got myself some water and a pumpkin pasties before I sat in on the "couch." I took out my mermaid book and looked up on Glacorcus. He became ruler of Oceantis after his mother's death.

"Before Shelba's death, she bestowed her third son Glacorcus to be heir to the throne. After her death, despite her decision on heir, power struggles emerged in Oceantis. Mermaids across the world separated into three factions. Each factions supported one of the three sons of Shelba."

"This is interesting," I said to myself.

"Many merpeople believed that Archuletus, Shelba's eldest son with the most powerful mermaid chief in the Atlantic Ocean, was rightful heir to the throne for his experience in politics in the ocean. Some believed that Reus, Shelba's second son with a chief from the Indian Ocean, was the rightful heir to the throne because his achievement in diplomacy across the oceans.

Very few supported Glacorcus, Shelba's third son with her lover, Meriden from the Pacific Ocean. He was a humble mermaid who was selfless and put others before his own. He was very different from his greedy and selfish brothers who wanted power."

"For a few years, Oceantis had no ruler. Slowly, the ocean began to die. Archuletus and Reus didn't notice anything. They were fighting for the crown. It was not until Glacorcus noticed that the ocean was dying and needed to put the end to the whole problem."

"In 303 AD, Glacorcus revealed his powers of Aquaria to the merpeople. He was able to win over the merpeople with his powers to heal the ocean from death. Without the ocean, the world itself would perish."

"He has Aquaria too," I said to myself. "In 304 AD, he was crowned King of Oceantis. He had his brother's arrested for being negligent to the ocean and blinded by greed. They were sentenced to solitary in the deepest waters of the ocean."


"During his reign, he focused on foreign relations to mermaids across the world. He thought that it was good to build ties in case of an emergency. In a way, he was learned from his brother's mistakes. Also, it was for his own protection. He married Doria, a mermaid and daughter of a chief from the Southern Ocean. He had a son Anapsus who would be only heir to the throne."


I looked up from the book and to the door. I set the book on the couch and walked to the door. "Who is it?" I asked and opened the door to see Draco. He looked relieved to see me. "Where were you? Your father told me that you already boarded the train. I looked for you everywhere," he said to me.

{He was worried about me...}

"Sorry. I was with Hermione and then came here," I told him. He looked behind me to see my compartment. "This is your compartment?" he asked me. I gave him a nod. "You want to come in?" I asked him. "Sure," he said to me. I moved aside for him to walk into the compartment.

He walked around while I walked back to my couch and took a sip of water. "You can practically live in here," he told me. I laughed a bit. "I guess," I told him. He walked over and sat down next to me. "Can't wait to get back to Hogwarts," he told me.

"Me too," I told him. We talked for the whole ride.


"Finally, I'm back."

It was a long train ride back to Hogwarts. Once I got to Hogwarts, I ran to my dormitory. It felt great to be back. I made sure to unpack my things before I placed my mermaid books back on the shelf. I had discovered so many things about my family so far.

So far, there were three ancestors who had Aquaria. Also, I knew that my mother had the power too based on my father's story. I knew that the power was rare. Now, I wanted to know when the power disappear and reappear in my line.

I got my mermaid book on the Royal mermaids and started to look at the next mermaid. "Anapsus was the only son and child of Glacorcus. Unlike his predecessors, he did not inherit the power Aquaria."

{So this is where it starts.}

"It wasn't until his Great Great Great Great granddaughter Amitafia showed that she had Aquaria on her thirteenth birthday. The merpeople believed that whoever inherit the power were destined to rule Oceantis."

It was amazing to see that the power had skipped a few generations.

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