Chapter 14: Pansy and the Game

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Disclaimer: everything besides Pearlina and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Sorry for the late update.


Few Days Later....

It had been an interesting few days. Hermione had became one of my friends. We would bump into each other in the library sometimes. Other times, I would sit next to her in class if I couldn't sit next to Draco.

I was in the study hall having my lunch and doing my homework. I was done with transfiguration homework. Right now, I was working on potions. We had to write another essay of an ingredient. I wasn't sure about what to write.


I looked up to see my owl Jade. Jade had a letter in her mouth. She flew to my table and landed  with now sound. {This is why owls were known for their silent flight.} I took the letter from her beak. She flew off and out of the room.

The letter was from my father.

Dear Pearlina.

How are your classes? I hope you are doing alright. You made me worried when you wrote that you fought against a troll. But, I am proud of you for doing something heroic. I would know that your mother would have been proud of you.

Also, I have to apologize about your flying class. It's my fault that you are fearful of flying. I was thinking of writing to Professor Dumbledore of your situation. I want you to keep trying though. I don't want you to let the fear over take you.

Write to me soon.

Love Father


I looked up to see Harry's owl Hedwig. Hewig was carrying a huge package. {What is that?} The package dropped on Harry but, he managed to catch it. I watched him open the package to reveal the Nimbus 2000.


After lunch, I walked out of the study hall to go take a small walk before classes start. I made a turn in the hallway when I was surrounded by thee Slytherin girls. I recognized Pansy. She gave me a smirk. "Where are you going?" she asked me.

I tried to walk around her but, the other two girls blocked my way. "I said where are you going?" she asked me again. {What does she want?} "A small walk," I said to her. "I want you to stay away from my Draco," she said to me.

{Her Draco?}

"I'm not doing anything. He comes to me on his own. I have no control over him," I said to her. I tried to go around her but, the two other girls grabbed my arms. "Let me go," I said to them. They didn't let me go. I felt them holding me tighter. Pansy walked up to me.

"You better stay away from him or I'm going to make your life a living hell," she threatened me. I could see emotions in her eyes. She had jealously, anger, ambition, and other emotions in her eyes. I could feel my insides shake. Mostly, I saw evil in her.

The girls let me go and walked away laughing. I leaned myself against the wall and started to control my breathing. I never thought that I would have that kind of confrontation with a students especially from a Slytherin.

Few days later.......

Today, Quidditch was happening. It was the first game in the season. In the first game, Slytherin and Gryffindor were playing against each other. I had no idea where to sit since I wasn't sorted into a house.

I walked down the hallway to get to the Quidditch pitch. I knew that I would be rooting for Harry. He had been practicing hard. I found out from Hermione that his father was a seeker during his Hogwarts years. I was amazed.

I still had Pansy's words echoing in my head. {I should sit with Ron and Hermione.} Once at the Quidditch Pitch, I walked up to where the Gryffindor stood. I looked around until I found Ron and Hermione with Hagrid.

I walked up to them. "Hi guys," I said to them. They turned around and saw me with them. "Hi Pearlina. Are you rooting for Harry?" Ron asked me. "Of course," I said to them. They made room for me to stand with them.

I looked across the pitch to see Draco with the Slytherins. Pansy was right next to him. I felt shivers go up my spine. "Is something wrong?" I heard Hermione asked me. I shook my head. "No. Everything is fine," I assured her.

Soon, the game started. Harry pretty much flew around and tried to watch the game from his angle. I looked around to see if I could find the snitch. I was able to see the snitch every now and then. {What are you doing Harry?}

As the game went on, Slytherin started to gain more points. I saw the golden stitch in front of Harry. Harry saw the snitch and started to follow while he dodged a bludger. Next thing I knew, his broom started to act weird. Harry seemed to have lost control of his broom.

"What's going on with Harry's broomstick?" Hagrid asked us. I had a horrible feeling. "Something is not right," I told him. "It's Snape. He's jinxing the broom," Hermione whispered to us. I looked at her. "What?" I was in disbelief.

"Jinxing the broom! What do we do?" Ron asked us. "Leave it to me," Hermione said and disappeared into the Gryffindor crowd. I looked up to see that Harry was trying to hold on. "Hold on Harry!" I yelled out to him.

Next thing I knew, Harry was holding onto his broom with one hand. He was well above meters off the ground. I looked at Draco who seemed to be enjoying the view. Harry managed to get both hands on his broom.

Still, his broom was shaking him off. "Come on Hermione," Ron worried. I looked over where Professor Snape sat with the rest of the faculty. I saw something burning. He was on fire. {Hermione must have done that.}

I looked up to see that the broom was still. "Now's your chance Harry!" I yelled out to him. Harry managed to get back onto his broom and started to soar through the Quidditch pitch for the golden snitch.

In the end, Harry managed to grab the snitch. I was very happy for him.

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