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I checked myself  in the mirror twirling and twisting. Making sure I looked perfect from every angle.     "stunning" I turned around to see Sylvia and our other friend Alicia standing behind me. I blushed "thank you" I said to them. It wasn't the first time I had gotten a compliment for my looks. With long brown wavy hair that cascaded down my back in luscious ringlets, steel blue eyes that contrasted with my pale Irish skin, I was no stranger to the limelight. But every time someone close to me tells me I'm beautiful I just blush and look away. I get my looks from my Mother Maggie. Strangely I don't look much like my Father. I put it down to the fact that my moms genes overpowered his. She can be quite bossy and obviously her genes won the battle.

"Ready to go guys?" I asked and they nodded. We were heading for our first trip to Hogsmeade this year. I handed my permission slip to Professor mcGonagall and hurried to catch up with the others.  

We went to the three broomsticks for a butterbeer. While we were there we chatted about what we were doing for the upcoming Christmas holidays. I stated that I was planning on going home. My cousins were coming to stay with us for the holidays and I was looking forward to seeing them. We finished our drinks and wandered through the streets. The snow swirled lightly around us.

Suddenly an ear splitting scream pierced the air. We rushed towards the scene. Katie Bell, a Gryffindor girl lay sprawled out on the ground. Her friend looked horrified. She ascended into the air and hovered for a few minutes. I held my breath as suddenly she landed on the ground with a thump.Everybody crowded around her to have a look and see if she was OK. Hagrid arrived and told Harry, Ron and Hermione to get Professor McGonagall.  We cleared off after a few minutes because a crowd was forming.

We headed back towards Hogwarts and I spotted a boy of about sixteen walking hurriedly away from Hogsmeade. He had a worried look on his face. I noticed he was very good looking. He had a pale face with sharp features. He wore an expensive looking coat and hat. I looked a little closer and realised who this hot guy was..... 


I told the girls I would meet them at dinner. They left with rather worried expressions on their faces and I wouldn't blame them, giving recent events. I walked over to Draco. I was curious as to why he was making such a quick getaway. I stood in front of him and looked into his eyes. They were grey with a hint of silver, and they held a lot of worry. "what are you doing all the way out here?" I asked."same as you" he replied although his voice seemed rather shaky. "are you alright" I inquired. "yes, I'm fine" he snapped. " well you don't look fine"  

"well you couldn't resist coming over to check me out so I must look fine" I couldn't stand that about Draco, one minute your nearly convinced he is a proper human being like the rest of us and then he turns back into a heartless jerk again.

"How about a butterbeer?" he suggested. "fine" I agreed.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now