Words of Wisdom

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  • Dedicated to Agnes Walsh


I trembled with fear. Dumbledore knows my secret. He might decide I am too dangerous to have in the school, especially as Harry goes to Hogwarts and I have links with him. I nearly burst into tears, What if Dumbledore lets slip who my father is. The whole school would hate me. None of them would talk to me ever again foir fear I would killn them or sent my real father after them. Tears trickled down my cheeks as I realised how stupid I was to let out my secret. I knew I could trust Dumblkedore but in a place where magic is around every corner  secrets are hard to keep. Dumbledore gave me a pityful look. "You know you have been carrying around quite a burden, Young Rose" I nodded as the tears streamed down my face at a steady rate. "tell me, what's on your mind right now at this very moment" I hesitated. "P-Professor Dumbledore" I sobbed "I am afraid you will think it is too risky for me to attend Hogwarts anymore" I heaved with sobs. I couldn't get thrown out of Hogwarts. I was angry now. It's not fair, I obey every rule.. well most of them, I can't get thrown out for who my Father is. I didn't know, I didn't have a choice. "Rose I know you are a very powerful young witch" He continued. I looked up with hopeful eyes. "I also know that you would never intentionally hurt anybody and that you can control your powers. I have great faith in you Rose Kelly" he told me. I smiled at him. Dumbledore in my opinion is the greatest wizard of all time, not my Father. "You can stay Rose because I know that not only have you the ability to hurt people greatly but you also have the power to help protecr this school against the dark forces out there, I trust you will protect your friends" I nodded. "Oh Professor Dumbledore?" I asked. He looked at me expectantly. "I never told you the real reason why I came to you at this particular point" I paused. "My real father, Voldemort wants me to agree to take over if he dies" He didn't look surprised. I swear nothing at all can surprise this man. He nodded

"Do you want to take over?" he asked me. I shook my6 head violently. "This is his mess, it is not my job to clean it up and if he does lose against Harry I most certainly won't take it any further" Dumbledore smiled at me and took a breath to say something but I cut accross him. "I know about the prophecy, I heard it in Fathers thoughts. The one about him and Harry. 'Neither can live while the other survives' " I chanted.  "One of them will have to die" I stated. Dumbledore looked at me again with a twinkle in his eyes. "You know, you are a very smart and talented young girl Rose, You remind me a lot of your mother" he said. He paused and I waited for him to continue. "I am going to give you a piece of advice I gave to Harry when he opened the Chamber of Secrets four years ago, It is not our ability that shows who we truly are, It is our choices" I looked at him for a moment trying to figure out the meaning in his words, then suddenly it clicked.  Just because I was Voldemorts daughter didn't mean I was like him. I chose differently. I could control the basilisk in the chamber of secrets and kill all the muggle borns in the school but I made a decision that had I known at the time I would have helped Harry save Ginny by controlling the Basilisk. I smiled to myself as I realised that I wasn't actually evil. "Professor Dumbledore?" I asked. "Why did the sorting hat put me in Slytherin when I asked it to put me in Gryffindor, I heard Harry was about to be put into Slytherin and he asked for Gryffindor" "aah you see young Rose, You are the heir of Slytherin, are you not?" he asked me. I nodded and waited for him to continue. "You see you are related to Salazar Slytherin himself, therefor it is your destiny to be a Slytherin, You posses the qualities of a Slytherin" he smiled at me. I nodded and thanked him for his advice. On my way back to the dungeons I mulled all this information over in my mind.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now