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"What will I do?" That was the only thought that constantly whirled around in my mind. Alicia had just found out I was involved with the Dark Lord. True, she didn't know my secret, but the worst part was that she thought I was a Deatheater. I stared at her dumbstruck. She was smarter than I gave her credit for. She had seen me all along. "I saw you and Draco apparating from the Forbidden Forrest, I followed you several times" She spat in my direction. I looked at Sylvia who had a look of disbelief on her face. I could see in her eyes though that she didn't believe Alicia. I felt bad about lying to her but what could I do, I was hardly going to tell her the truth.  "Rose?" she asked "Are you really a Deatheater" I shook my head. Alicia lunged forward and roughly caught my left forearm, she dragged up the sleeve of my robes and inspected for herself. I glared at her savagely until she had looked enough and she was satisfied. "I told you" I snarled at her. She recoiled from me and stood by Sylvia's side. "Maybe she hasn't been marked yet?" she said snidely. This girl was unbelievable, She wanted to turn the whole school against me, no matter what it took. "Alicia just give up, you're wrong ok, Rose would never kill people, She would never intentionally harm someone" Sylvia exploded suddenly. I looked at her, taken aback. Sylvia was never this vicious, Alicia must be annoying her too I figured. I stomped out of the room and sat in the common room staring at the fire in front of me. Then I heard light footsteps coming towards me. "Rose if you don't mind me asking, Where did you actually go?" Sylvia asked as she sat down beside me on one of the couches. I sighed. What was I going to tell her, I couldn't lie AGAIN.. not after what she did for me just there. I looked up into her curious eyes. "Sylvia I am so sorry but I have to lie to you right now" I told her gently. "but I promise you I am not a Deatheater, and I will never become one" I finished. She nodded and got up from the couch. "I will tell you when the time is right though". She disappeared up into the girls dormitories.My heart sank. What was I going to do now. Sylvia, the one neutral person in this entire mess knew there was something up. I hated lying to her but I had to protect her from the truth.

Draco entered the common room looking very dishevelled. He had dark circles under his eyes, his face was a pasty grey colour and his hair was tossed. "What happened you?" I asked him,concern filling my face. He looked awful, I still thought he looked hot but to be honest he looked as if he may collapse. I knew straight away he had been to see my Father. He had been working on his task for the Dark Lord a lot recently and he was tired. "I was just working" he replied lamely. I stood up and went to my dorm. In the bottom of my trunk was a vial of potion that my mom had brewed for me one day when I was feeling sick and depressed. It was a bright pink liquid called "Luminiscious". It brought any witch or wizard who had been through a lot of emotional pain or who was extremely tired back to full health. It winked in the light as I grasped the tiny vial and headed down to Draco with it. Now that I looked at him from far away he looked even worse. I gave it to him and said "drink this, It will make you feel better" he looked at me for a second and smiled. "Luminiscious? Where did you get that? It's really hard to make"    "My mom made it for me ages ago when I was feeling down, She's really good at potions" He drank the potion quickly. "It will make you sleepy so I'd advise you to go to bed, You should feel much better tomorrow" I assured him and pecked him on the cheek. It felt good to finally use that potion. I was satisfied that it was used for someone who deserved it.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now