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That night I tossed and turned trying to get to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I could see his grey ones staring back at me. When I finally got to sleep I dreamt of Draco. Surprise surprise.  

This dream was different though. We were walking through Diagon alley, hand in hand. We were smiling at each other as if nothing else in the world mattered. To us at this very moment it didn't because we were with each other. I looked over at the man I loved and suddenly it all made sense. Draco and I were meant to be together. We were inseparable. He smiled as I gazed at him with pure adoration. I couldn't find something more wonderful than him in this world.

I sat bolt upright. My heart rate skyrocketed as I looked around the pitch black room. Then I heard soft snores from the other side of the room. I reached out and got my wand from beside my bed where I always kept it. "lumos" I muttered. A soft light shimmered from the tip if my wand. Curiously I peered around the room. I was relieved when I saw it was Sylvia asleep in her bed across the room. She was snoring softly. I looked around and saw Alicia curled up beneath her blankets and murmuring in her sleep "Draco, Draco babe?"       WHAT!?! Is she secretly with Draco. I wouldn't put it past him. I felt like such a fool.    Dreaming of him every night.    Thinking it was our destiny to be together.    I curled up underneath my blankets and tried to push thoughts of Alicia and Draco staring at each other the way we did in my dream out of my head.

I went back to sleep only to be plagued by nightmares. A man with a snake like face entered my dreams. He made an attempt to smile at me. I shuddered as I looked at him. He seemed mildly familiar though. I felt a tug in my heart as I looked him in the eye. I had seen this man before. I knew him from somewhere.  

Then a flash of bright White light unfocused my eyes. Another man had entered my dream but I could not see him properly. My eyes would not focus on this unknown man.  

"Rose, Rose, ROSE WAKE UP!!" Sylvia screeched. "agh" I sat ramrod straight in my bed. "what is it Sylvia? Is everything ok"  

I looked around to see the room filled with bright sunlight.  

"yes, an owl has been tapping on the window for you for the last ten minutes" she informed me. "oh. It's probably a message from my parents" I pulled myself out of bed and over to the window. The brown owl held out her leg for me to take the letter. I patted her and gave her a treat once I had taken the piece of parchment. Curiously I opened it and read it to myself.


Thank you for your company yesterday in Hogsmeade. I really enjoyed getting to know you better. Please say you will meet me down by the black lake tonight at nine o clock. I would love to speak to you again.  


Draco Malfoy.

My stomach did flips as I read his letter over and over again. He enjoyed speaking to me. I was overjoyed. I rooted around in my trunk to find some parchment for my reply. Then in my own personal calligraphy I wrote


I would love to spend more time with you. I enjoyed our time together yesterday and I would love to meet you again. I look forward to seeing you at nine at the black lake.  


Rose Kelly.

The hours ticked by feverishly as I waited patiently for nine o clock to come.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now