"two butterbeers please"

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We made our way towards The Three Broomsticks. The snow crunched under my feet and I began to shiver. I hoped Draco wouldn't notice but no such luck. Before I knew it he had taken off his jacket and draped it over my shoulders. Then I realised he really was a sweetheart. I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Butterflies?? Uh oh!

We entered thesmall pub and were greeted by a warm fire. The bartender looked up as we walked in. "two Butterbeers please" Draco stated. "yes Mr. Malfoy" the bartender replied "Good evening Miss Kelly" I smiled and made my way over to the table nestled in by the fire. It's warmth and crackling flames welcomed me. Draco came back with our Butterbeers after a few minutes. I thanked him and took a sip of mine. We sat in silence gazing at the fire for a few minutes. Then Draco broke the silence. "what are you doing for the holidays?" 

"oh just going home,my cousins are staying with us for the holidays, You?" I replied. "I will be at Hogwarts....."  he paused   "Our house is rather full this year" he sounded as if he shouldn't be telling me this. I changed the subject to make him feel more comfortable. I felt a little self conscious. I wanted Draco to feel comfortable around me and to trust me. We chatted away for another while and got to know each other better. "maybe we should head back" I suggested.    "um yeah ok" he sounded reluctant to leave our little haven beside the fire.

We walked back towards the school. On the way back our hands brushed together by accident. A jolt of lightening shot straight through me. My heart leapt out if my chest and the fluttering in my stomach increased. I looked over at Draco to see him studying my face. I, in turn took in his features. His grey eyes which gazed at me in admiration, his platinum blond hair which was always perfect but was now slightly tousled. I noticed that this made him look even more handsome than usual. He smiled at me as I stared at him mesmerised. Quickly I looked away, embarrassed by my sudden infatuation with him. We reached the common room and entered the dungeons. I turned around to say goodbye to Draco and walked right into him. "oh God, sorry" I stuttered. "it's alright" he replied. He actually seemed quite pleased at our sudden contact.

"goodnight" I managed to say without embarrassing myself further. "night" he whispered as I walked up the stairs.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now