Good Morning Rose!

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I wriggled underneath the plush warm blankets trying to find another comfortable position to drift off to sleep again. Unfortunately two obstacles prevented me from entering my dreamland, my own personal haven. The former was the ray of sunshine that pierced my eye and could not be deterred no matter what way I turned, the latter was my energetic and jovial friend; Sylvia Walsh. "Rose Kelly get up NOW!"she screeched at the top of her voice. I felt sorry for any other occupant's of the Slytherin house that wished to get an extra hour of sleep. I groaned and hoped it was all a dream. Wishing that Sylvia would realise I didn't want to be disturbed I buried my head once again. I shrieked as suddenly the luxurious feather duvet was ripped off me and the sun assaulted my sleepy eyes. My heart jolted as ice cold water was doused all over my body and warm bed clothes. I glared at Sylvia for disturbing my precious beauty sleep. Sylvia sauntered off without even apologising fir ruining my Saturday morning lie in. Grudgingly I hauled myself from my bad and decided to get dressed before I could come to anymore harm at the hands of Sylvia and her determination to drag me from my bed.

The sun glistened off the Black Lake and I decided today would be a perfect day to take out some of my long hidden summer clothes. I pulled out an emerald green vest top and paired it with my stone wash denim shorts and pulled out my tough white rose pattern Doc Marten's. My hair looked like a birds nest. I dragged my brush through it attacking the vicious tangled that had formed overnight in my long brown curly hair. Satisfied, I decided it was time to eat. The Great Hall was thronged with students devouring the mouthwatering feast before them and talking animatedly to their friends. I scanned the Slytherin table and found My two favourite people. Draco caught my eye and smiled at me. Although it looked rather strained I grinned back at him like a fool anyway. He was my boyfriend and absolutely nobody could change that. I waltzed down the hall to say hi to him and Sylvia and plonked myself down on the wooden bench beside Draco. "Morning beautiful" he greeted me in his silky voice. "Morning!" I chirped back and gave him a quick peck on the lips.I could tell something wasn't quite right with Draco and he was doing everything to keep my suspicions at bay.I made a mental note to try and coax it out of him later.  My stomach rumbled and I reached for a slice of toast and smothered it with butter. I was more hungry than I thought and savoured the taste of the golden butter and crunchy toast. While enjoying my breakfast I caught Alicia looking at Draco and I from the other end of the table. "Pathetic excuse of a girl" I muttered. Draco looked at me quizzically and I directed my gaze towards Alicia. Immediately he understood and instinctively pulled me closer. Once again I smiled contentedly and carried on eating my breakfast.

Summer dawned and that also meant summer exams were just around the corner. Year 6 had been such a dramatic year for me at Hogwarts. Between the trouble with my birth father and Draco looking so rundown schoolwork hadn't always been my priority.  A flicker of panic fluttered in my heart. There was a lot of work to be done to achieve favourable results. I had decided that i wanted to be a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. I didn't particularly like Severus Snape but his job appealed to me. It was quite ironic that being a DADA teacher would take my fancy as the reason most witches and wizards needed to know about DADA was because of my birth father. I laughed mirthlessly to myself. Today was the day I would start some serious work for my impending summer exams.

"Rose?" a soft voice caressed my ear. I turned my face towards the voice I knew so well and often heard in my dreams. "Are you OK? you have been staring at your empty plate for ten minutes" Suddenly I withdrew from my daydream and came face to face with Draco's dazzling silver grey eyes. I smiled sheepishly, daydreaming was a habit of mine and at the best of times I could zone out for hours, lost in my own thoughts. "Whats wrong? are you OK?" he inquired. "just thinking, That's all" I replied.Thankfully he did not push me any further. "Actually,Draco?" I started, "I was thinking of starting some revision for our summer exams, They're quite close. I was thinking of revising outside if you want to join me?" For a moment he looked pained but told me "I'm really sorry Rose I can't today, I jobs to do" he finished awkwardly. Immediately I understood what "jobs" he had  to do. Even though I had blatantly refused to do my Fathers evil bidding, Draco was still tangled in that mess. My heart ached for him because both he and I knew that wasn't the type of person he was. I smiled at him sympathetically and wished him luck before heading to the girls dormitories to get my books.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now