The Black Lake

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"Rose? Rose where are you going? It's almost nine o clock. You'll get caught." Sylvia questioned me. 

" I feel sick, I'm going to Madame Pomfrey" I replied quickly "do you want me to come with you?" she kindly asked.

"No it's alright I'll be there in a minute. Just feeling nausea's" I was panicking now. Sylvia knew me well and she could tell when I was lying to her. "oh OK, I hope you feel better soon"  a feeling of relief washed over me.

Thank god she believed me. I thanked my lucky stars and replied "thank you, I'll talk to you later". Usually I was a dreadful liar, but I was getting better at it. I couldn't decide if this was a good or a bad thing.

I reached the black lake and my eyes instantly found him. He stood by the lake in a pair of dark denim jeans and a navy jumper. He was facing away from me. The moonlight shimmered on the water. It shone on Draco and highlighted his platinum blonde hair. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at the extremely handsome boy before me. Suddenly he turned around and caught me gazing at him. "Rose" he said huskily. "you look beautiful" I had a White satin party dress on that shimmered in the moonlight. I wore light sandals on my feet. The night was strangely mild.  

He walked towards me and I could smell his cologne. It was quite strong but it suited him. "do you want to take a walk?" he asked me. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I agreed. We walked side by side around the black lake. We talked about everything, from school to family and our likes and dislikes. We talked for an hour while walking around the lake. Then I noticed it grew cold. I only had a light party dress on me so I started to shiver. Draco once again noticed this and began to pull off his jumper. "no no it's ok I'm not that cold" I protested. "well I don't need it and your shivering" he replied. He continued to peel of his jumper and then gave it to me. "thank you" I said, and blushed as I took in the sight before me. Under his jumper he wore a White shirt that fitted him perfectly. The top 3 buttons were open and caught a glimpse of his well toned chest. I nearly went off in a daydream just thinking about him. He handed me the jumper and I took it graciously because it was now very chilly. I put it on and felt the leftover heat from his body. It smelt amazing, like him. We sat down by the lake and kept chatting. I loved his company, I felt so relaxed and happy in his presence. I also felt safe and protected, as if nothing in the world could harm me when I was with him. I was messing with some grass in my hand when I looked up to see him shaking with the cold. "Maybe we should go back" I said. "you're frozen" he nodded and we started back towards the castle. Then he walked very close to me and draped his arm around my shoulder. It felt so natural that I leaned into his side. I could feel the heat radiating off his body. He leaned down and nuzzled his face against my hair and I sighed in contentment.

We managed to sneak back to the Slytherin common room without being seen. I collapsed onto one of the couches right by the fire. It was on 10:30 so we weren't tired. Everybody else was fast asleep. We sat on the couch together and I saw a magazine belonging to Alicia. I picked it up and flicked through it. I sat back and rested my back against Dracos' chest. I felt as if we were moving fast but I wanted us to go faster. I wanted to be Dracos girlfriend. I wanted to walk down the halls of Hogwarts with the Slytherin prince on my arm.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now