"I like you... A LOT"

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I looked at my watch and realised class was over. Everybody had gotten up and was shuffling out of the classroom. I jumped up out of my pouf and headed towards the exit. I was almost down the ladder when I felt someones hand on my ass. I whirled around to smack whoever it was. My eyes softened when I realised it was Draco. At this stage my heart was hammering. He was absolutely GORGEOUS. He held out his hand to take my bag and I let him. It was actually quite heavy because I hadn't emptied my books from earlier because I was too busy staring at Draco who was staring at me. "Defense against the dark arts next?" he asked. I nodded. "well I will be sitting with you today" he stated. I looked at him confused. "Professor Snapes orders" he explained. Then suddenly I remembered our last defense against the dark arts class. Draco had been sitting beside Pansy and she couldn't keep her hands off him. I didn't particularly like professor Snape. Nobody did, but I have to admit I loved the way he dealt with Pansy and her infatuation with Draco. We made our way to the dungeons together and I left oh. A few giggles about Pansy. Draco smirked at me and we continued to walk together.

We sat down at our table and opened our books. A moment later professor Snape arrived with his robes billowing behind him. "Open your books on page two hundred and and sixty two" he drawled. Honestly he sounded so bored I was surprised he didn't fall asleep altogether. He sat at his desk and glared around the room to make sure everybody obeyed him. A few Gryffindors shrunk back into their seats from his glare. I thought the idea of being in Gryffindor involved being somewhat brave. A lot of these idiots nearly peed their pants if Snape even looked at them, what would they do if they had to fight Lord Voldemort.  

"Rose" the silky voice beside me dragged me from my thoughts. 

I looked over and saw Draco smiling at me. We were all still supposed to be reading but surprisingly Snape didn't mind Draco. I thunk it's because he's afraid if his father. "yeah" I whispered back. "erm I-I really liked going to the lake with you the other night and am, well I" he paused. Draco was speechless. I couldn't believe it. He also stuttered. I smiled at him to encourage him. " I like you" he spluttered. My eyes widened and my heart was hammering in my chest. How many times had I wanted him to say those words. Of course I didn't realise I would be under Snapes nose. "how much?" I asked quizzically. "a LOT!" he replied. At this stage I had a huge grin on my face. I composed myself before leaning forward and whispering into Dracos ear " I like you too.....a LOT" I let my breath tickle his neck while he took in this information. I crossed my legs and let one of them brush off of him. I continued to do this until I saw his jaw tightening. I smiled as I realised what I was doing to him. "Miss Kelly, what are you doing to Mr Malfoy" Snape asked. "his leg is itchy" I replied, smiling innocently. "can he not itch it himself?" he inquired. 

"he likes it when I do it" I said. A few students burst into giggles. "disgusting" Snape muttered and turned back to whatever he was doing. After another ten minutes of trying to suppress my giggles Snape announced that class was dismissed. I grabbed Dracos hand and pulled him towards the door. "Miss Kelly, Mister Malfoy" Snape called. "may I speak with you both"

"I don't know what you two are up to but keep this filth out of my classroom" he snarled. I couldn't help but smirk. Snape looked absolutely disgusted. "yes professor" I said and flashed him an innocent smile. Draco and I waltzed out of the classroom. People still didn't know about us yet so I wasn't surprised when Draco let go if my hand when we reached the busy halls. He had a reputation to uphold.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now