"Morning sleepy heads"

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I rolled over in bed to grab another few minutes of sleep. The covers slipped of me slightly and I shivered. It was now December and it was cold. I scurried under the blankets again, thankful that they still held my body heat. Eventually I decided to brave the cold and climb out of bed. My feet touched the ground and fell on a bundle of blankets on the floor. I looked at them, confusion spread across my face. Then I realised who they had been for. My boyfriend, Draco. Saying that made my body tingle. I was the first one awake. The place was a mess from the party last night. I stepped forward and I stepped on green and silver plastic cups. "repario" I muttered and the cups flew towards the bin. I made my way down the stairs to the common room. I couldn't believe my eyes. The place was spotless. There wasn't a cushion out of place. Somebody must have been down already. One of the boys I suppose. I looked at the clock and saw It was a quarter past eleven. I walked back upstairs to get dressed. I walked over to my wardrobe to pick out my clothes. I put on my baggy dark denim jeans, my baby pink Diesel jacket, a blue tank top and my DCs. I turned around infront of the mirror. I liked the way the jeans clung to my ass and toned thighs and then flared out slightly at the ends. The material gathered around my DCs and I tucked it in behind the tops of my shoes so everybody could see them. At this stage a few people had begun to wake up. "Morning sleepy head" I sang infront of Sylvias bed. "sh'up"  

"what was that Sylvia, I didn't hear you" I giggled. "Shut up Rose, I have a head ache" she snapped. "ooh someones touchy" I gasped and laughed making my way down the stairs to the common room. Some of the boys were already there. Jeremy looked me up and down approvingly. I hate when boys like Jeremy look at me as if I'm in love with them. He is disgusting, he trots around Hogwarts as if he owns the place. I shuddered as I looked at him. "s'up babes" he winked at me. "shove it Thompson " I snarled "no one gets to call me babe and wink at me only my boyfriend Draco" just as I was saying this Draco came down the stairs. He walked over to me and slung his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into him and we turned and left.

I sat down at the Slytherin table for breakfast beside Draco. I grabbed a croissant and loaded it with butter. "you know butter makes you fat" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Pansy sniggering. "I'd advise you to keep away from it then" I said nonchalantly. I turned back around and bit into it fiercely, making moaning sounds to wind her up.  

"Am Rose, what are you doing?" Draco asked. I smiled at him and explained my brief encounter with Pansy. He chuckled and continued to eat his toast. We stood up from the table and headed towards the common room. I still had homework to do. 

Draco and I sat down in the common room to do our homework.

I was almost finished my homework when I looked up. The common room was completely empty. "Revealius" I muttered. I expected to see someone come out in the Slytherin dungeons. Draco looked at me questioningly. "all of Slytherin dungeons are empty" I smiled seductively. Draco grinned. "I think you forgot something in my room the night of the party" I took his hand and led him up the stairs after me. We reached my room and I pushed him down onto my bed. I sat on his lap facing him. I kissed him on the lips slowly. "will I ever get my fashion show?" he asked. I looked at him puzzled. He reached down and caught the rim of my panties. I smiled. "Answer this one question then...

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now