A trip down memory lane

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Dumbledores Point of View

Rose held Draco's hand as they were about to apparate. I had a feeling I knew what was coming next. I knew all along that they had been apparating in the Forbidden Forrest. They arrived outside a black room. I could tell Rose had streamlined these memories a lot because obviously most of it was irrelevant. The next few images I saw didn't surprise me. Rose bent down and talked to the snake. I couldn't understand what she was saying but in her memories she translated. She asked the snake who it was, What it was doing there. I must admit she has a great way of pulling information from people. I think it is her charm. She isn't aware of the effect of her politeness and good looks have on people. 

Then Voldemort spoke "You, my dear couldn't possibly belong in any other house but Slytherin" This definitely confirmed my suspicions, she is a Parseltongue and that can only mean one thing.... I continued to watch her memory. What followed next was one of the most intriguing and heart wrenching memories I have ever witnessed.


Draco looked as though he were in a trance. His eyes were glazed over and he had a disgruntled look on his face. Voldemort, I realised, was looking through Draco's memories. To see if he could find anything to use. Rose was furious. She forced her way into Voldemorts mind. I had known all along that she was a powerful witch but she never ceased to surprise me. She flicked through memories until she found a very important one. Vodemort wrestled with her mind, trying to prevent hjer from seeing this memory but she had caught him off guard. Her power was much stronger than his. 

The scene changed until I could see a white room. St. Mungo's I recognised it as. The hospital where Rose was born no doubt. Maggie held her tiny sleeping form in her arms. She was bundled in a blanket, safe from all harm, with no idea what future lay ahead of her. I smiled as I realised how protected Rose was and still is. Her powers will protect her from all evil. Her blood ancestry will make her one of the most Powerful witches of our time. I am sure she won't let it all get to her head.The memory continued. Then Tom and James exited the room. The memory followed them. This was obviously Tom's memory I was looking at.  "You know this isn't a good idea Tom" James told him. "it wom't last" the memory fast forwarded. Rose suddenly realised what was happening. Voldemort was her Father. Maggie had cheated on James with Tom Riddel. Her childhood sweetheart and Rose was his daughter. I sympathised with Rose when I thought of how she found out. She never would have found out only for her falling for Draco. I chuckled to myself. Faith really does have a way of leading you back to your roots. "What will she be named" James asked calmly. He was always calm in situations like these. That's what makes him such a great wizard. "I think you and Maggie should raise her, but I would like her to be named Rose" Voldemort answered. The nest image that flashed in front of me was Rose's birth certificate. There printed in front of my eyes was Tom Marvolo Riddel. He was listed as the biological father.  The memory ended and I looked over at Rose. She had he rhead in her hands and she looked frightened of what I was going to say next. Could she possibly think that I was going to throw her out of Hogwarts because of who her father is.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now