The Dark Lord

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Lucius Point of view

My dark mark burned. The Dark Lord wanted me. I looked at Narcissa. She looked uncomfortable and her hand was reaching towards her left forearm. I pressed my dark mark and apparated away. We arrived in a dark room and I hadn't the slightest clue as to where we were. I stood in the room and saw Draco here too. "welcome Lucius...Narcissa and of course young Draco" Voldemort hissed. "I have brought you here to discuss plans for killing Dumbledore" he started "Draco your childish schemes and plans have not worked" he stated. "are you going to make even more of a fool of yourself and your family before you manage the simple task of killing someone"

Draco obviously hadn't the guts to do it. I wouldn't either and for once I wasn't ashamed if my son. I actually felt pity for him. No matter how easy it sounded to kill someone, Dumbledore wasn't just anyone. He was the most powerful wizard and the only one the Dark Lord feared. "is there a reason you are nit doing this task.... Is there someone distracting you?" he asked "n-no my L-Lord." Draco answered shakily. 'What is he doing' I thought to myself exasperated. This is not a time to be playing games. "Crucio" Voldemort muttered effortlessly. Draco fell onto the ground writhing in pain his back arched as Voldemort muttered "tell me" Draco stayed silent. When he stopped Draco looked relieved but then he looked as though he were in a trance. Narcissa was on the verge of tears. Now she looked at Draco with fear in her eyes. What If he had gone mad from the cruciatus curse. She still thought of Draco as her baby even though she didn't show it. She would never recover knowing her only son- our only son had been driven demented by the cruciatus curse by the Dark Lord himself.

Voldemort was muttering now. "A girl I see... Long brown hair, steel blue eyes, fair complexion, Irish roots" I listened. Draco liked an Irish girl. What if she wasn't Pureblood. Is she in Slytherin. I wondered. "what's her name" Voldemort demanded. "R-Rose my Lord" Draco answered. Voldemort had an expression on his face that I didn't recognise. Was that recognition or happiness of some kind! "Rose WHAT?" he hissed. "Rose Kelly, My Lord"

"where is she from?" he asked curiously. "Ireland but she lived in England my Lord" "Bring her to me" he demanded. "I want to speak with her.

Draco looked absolutely petrified. As if he was afraid of losing this girl. Rose was her name was it not. I didn't want Draco messing with stuff he didn't have the slightest clue about. It's probably just a crush, but the Dark Lord has an interest in her. I decided to let it be. Maybe she has immense power that the Dark Lord needs or she has connections to important people. The Dark Lord apparated away from us, leaving us here on our own. I looked at Narcissa who was fussing over Draco. Stroking his hair soothing him. He acted brave but he wasn't ready for this. Like Narcissa said when he was given the task. "he's only a boy" yet Draco protested saying that the Dark Lord chose him for this task and he was going to do it. Both myself and Narcissa listed for power and strength in the wizarding world but I knew this was tearing her apart. She couldn't watch Draco suffering like this. It wasn't fair.

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