A day with the girls

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I wriggled around in my tight blue dress, adjusting it so it fit me perfectly. Sylvia manicured my nails, she had a silver base and painted the tips white. I grinned as I looked at my perfect nails. Next I added my 3 inch stilettos and prepared to do my make up. I wanted subtle make up today as I was still worried about the issue with my Father. I didn't have the patience today to be fiddling around with eyeliner and assorted colours of eye shadow. "Everybody ready?" Alicia called. I had since forgotten her lusting for my Draco and we had settled our differences. We still weren't as close as Sylvia and I but we did our best. We trotted down the stairs to the common room ready to head to Hogsmeade. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was really excited about going out with the girls and looking forward to having some fun for the day. We went to the Great Hall first for some breakfast. I slipped in beside Draco and pecked him on the cheek. "Sleep well?" I asked him. He nodded and reached for a croissant. he was still tired I could see. The Dark Lord had been asking a lot of him lately. He was running out of time to finish his task and he was stressed. I gave him a sympathetic look and continued to eat my breakfast. I could see a few Slytherin boys leering at us and it disgusted me. All the other girls were dressed in robes because we were the only ones going into Hogsmeade. Our Parents had gotten special permission from Dumbledore.

Finally we were all finished breakfast and we headed in the direction of Hogsmeade. A carriage had been arranged for us and we were just about to hop in when I heard footsteps and heavy breathing behind me. "ello ello, what have we here" Filch grunted. "No students allowed into Hogsmeade today I'm afraid" he continued. I shook off his grip and glared at him "we have special permission from Dumbledore" I exclaimed. I was annoyed because he was wasting our time. He dragged us up to Dumbledores office anyway because he didn't believe us. We stood outside the stairs to the Headmasters office and looked at Filch expectantly. He obviously didn't know the password. I snickered and then he said "open the doors witches". I laughed out loud, we didn't know the password either. Just then McGonagall came around the corner "Filch what on earth are you doing" he still had Sylvia and Alicia grabbed by their jackets. "Students attempting to enter Hogsmeade without permission" he smiled a toothless smile. He was very proud of himself for catching us , even though we had done nothing wrong.   "They are allowed go to Hogsmeade today, Dumbledore gave them special permission you blithering idiot" McGonagall told him exasperated. That woman has the patience of a saint. He left go of us and we hurried towards our carriage. We hopped in and started giggling mercilessly. "Filch thought we were sneaking into Hogsmeade in broad daylight" I giggled. The other two joined in my laughter as we rode towards Hogsmeade.

We stepped out of the carriages and headed to our first destination. The three Broomsticks, for a Butterbeer. The three of us hadn't been together alone in ages so we caught up on everything. I told them about my Christmas with Draco and the presents we gave each other. I deliberately skipped the Lingerie, thinking it would be best not to bring that up in front of Alicia after what she had seen before. They squealed when I told them how romantic Draco had been that day and then I showed them the snowflake necklace he had given me. I always wear it, for good luck. We went on to talk about recent events and what I had gotten for my birthday. I told them about the jewellery and clothes I had gotten from my parents. Then I said "Ooh i got this adorable tiara from my Father..It has silver swirls and Emeralds" then Alicia stopped me. "Wait I thought you said you only got clothes and a new pair of robes from your parents" I smiled and said excitedly "yeah this is my other-" then I stopped. I had almost outed my secret about my real Father. I couldn't possibly tell them. They would hate me, they would be scared of me. I panicked and thought of a way out. "Present from my parents, they had a surprise for me. I thought I would mention it seperately because I got it afterwards"They nodded and looked as if they believed me. Once again I was relieved by how lucky I was. This lying was getting more frequent and I was afraid it would get me into trouble. We continued to shop for another while. We went to Honeydukes sweet shop. My favourite place ever. We went to Zonko's joke shop where the girls bought me presents. Sylvia got me invisible ink. "Now you can write love notes to Draco under Snapes nose" she giggled. I picked out Peruvian darkness powder for Alicia to buy. "I can make a quick escape from the boys dorm too" I winked and Sylvia squealed. "Have ye done it yet?" She asked. I blushed and told her Idon't kiss and tell. She took that as a yes but kept quiet after that.   We continued our day laughing and giggling without a care in the world.

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