The Party

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Draco and I walked through the castle towards the dungeons. We were walking when suddenly I pulled him into an empty bathroom. I pulled him close and said "you were brilliant today". I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. He pulled me closer to him. He pushed me against the wall and pressed our bodies together. I could feel his heart beating against me. I was breathing heavily but I thought I heard giggling. I couldn't care less though. I kissed him passionately. I was really getting into it when I heard "ooh I love a happy ending" I looked around and saw a girl with pigtails grinning at us.

"myrtle... You scared me" I said. I realised that we had gone into moaning myrtles bathroom. "I like your boyfriend. He is very handsome. Can we share?" she asked. "Myrtle" I laughed. "no he's mine and mine only" I joked. "fine..." she turned to Draco "but if your ever lonely....." she trailed off. Draco looked horrified at the thought of a ghost liking him. I briefly forgot about his reputation and high standards. I took Dracos hand and we continued down the corridors towards the dungeons.

When we reached outside the portrait there wasn't a sound. I thought perhaps that they hadn't started without Draco. Then I felt guilty for keeping him. We walked through the portrait and were nearly blasted away with music. I shut the door quickly. Whoever had soundproofed the place was very good at "Mufliato". I had to give them credit. I pushed my way through the crowd in an effort to find Sylvia and Alicia. I spotted them over by the drinks. A few of the seventh years had snuck in two bottles of Firewhisky and someone else had found some Muggle alcoholic drinks. These lay sitting on the table because it was a Slytherin party and nobody wanted to be poisoned by Muggle drinks. I poured a drink for myself and one for Draco. "cheers" I said and tipped my glass. I felt the liquid run down my throat, bringing a fiery sensation as it went. I wasn't used to drinking so one glass was enough to get me tipsy. I looked at Draco and saw him having a second glass. He had a distant look in his eyes. I took his hand and lead him ino the middle of the crowd. I was immediately shoved up against him. The whole common room was packed. I looked around and saw Pansy and her gang trying to seduce a very drunk looking seventh year. I pitied him really. She was wearing a dress right up to her arse with heels sky high. Her make up was a mess and her hair was like a rats nest. The rest of her crew looked fairly similar, except their heels weren't as high and their dresses were more plain in comparison to Pansys' neon green contraption. She looked at Draco and winked. I felt the urge to go over and slap her stupid smile of her hideous face.

I had slipped upstairs to change quickly. I left my skinny jeans and leather jacket in my room and I now donned a one shoulder black and silver tight dress. It clung to my perfect figure. I painted my nails velvet green and wore 3 inch velvet green heels. I also added a thick green belt around my waist to accentuate my hour glass figure. I trotted downstairs and the party was in full swing.  

I walked over to Draco and saw that Alicia was talking to him. She was standing way too close for my liking. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at me. His eyes widened as he took in my tight dress in the Slytherin colours. He pulled me close to him and put his hands on my waist. My body tingled from being so close to him. He grabbed my hand and started leading me towards the boys dorms.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now