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I opened my eyes a fraction to see most of the girls dorms empty. My heart plummeted as I worried I was all alone. Sitting up in bed I had felt a weight on the end of the bed. I shuffled my feet a little in the warm blankets and saw different shapes wrapped in coloured paper. There was a fluttering in my stomach. An extremely happy one. This could only be caused by Christmas Day. I sprung out of bed and into the shower. I loved everything about Christmas. The joy everybody felt. The snow swirling outside your living room window. Gazing at the Christmas tree in wonder as the twinkling lights dazzled you. I loved perching the angel on top of the towering Christmas tree with my dad. My mom and myself would clean and decorate the whole house until it resembled a winter wonderland. Our mansion looked like Santa's workshop when were finished. All the trees down the avenue were covered in bright lights and they shone brightly as the snow clung to them. I had gone off in a daydream just reminiscing. I dressed myself in a red dress with silver bells dotted all over it. I manicured my nails and added a black belt to my dress. I put on some silver jewellery to compliment my outfit for the day.

The great hall was fairly empty this morning. My mom had sent me an owl a few days before to tell me our cousins would nit be able to visit. There had been an attack in out area by Deatheaters and my patents thought it was safest for me to stay in school this Christmas. I was a little disappointed but at least I got to spend Christmas with Draco. He appeared in the great hall wearing dark denim jeans and a black jumper with a designer label in red. He looked gorgeous. He smiled at me and looked at what I was wearing. By the look on his face he like it very much. I walked over to him, my red and black Loboutin heels clicking on the floor. I loved Muggle designer clothes. I put my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. "Merry Christmas Draco" I said softly. He kissed me lightly and led me over to the huge table. "now Rose where would you like to sit? We've got the whole table" he laughed. There were only three other Slytherins here for the holidays. Everybody else had gone home to their parents or friends. We chose the middle of the table where we usually sit. I helped myself to toast this morning and then I had hitchicolate with whipped cream on top. There were also strawberries even though it was the middle of winter. Dumbledore I assumed. I loved strawberries especially at Christmas. Draco laughed as I bit into yet again another strawberry. I picked up one and dipped it into cream. He bit it as I held it up and smiled devilishly. I was now nearly sitting on his lap.

We finished our breakfast and headed back to the Slytherin dungeons. I lit a roaring fire in fireplace of the common room. This place was freezing no matter what you did. We didn't have any decorations up here. I decided I was going to go decorating. I swished my wand and a Christmas tree popped up. I trailed my wand along it's branches and covered it with lights. I was avert skilled wizard and I had helped my mum decorate before. I enchanted the ceiling to make it look as if it was snowing in here. The house elves brought me some jars to light little fires in for heating. It was very cold outside today and it was snowing heavily. I set up a cd player playing Christmas songs. Draco was looking at the cd player very warily. I laughed "my parents don't hate Muggles that much, some of their inventions are very handy" I told him. Soon the common room was to my satisfaction. We had a huge Christmas tree with presents underneath it. There were Christmas carols playing all over the Slytherin quarters. Fake snow swirled around the ceiling and the place had a warm glow. I grinned at Draco "what do you think" I asked.

The other Slytherins arrived back in our common room and looked around warily. One of them looked around in disgust. "Muggle lovers she spat" I turned around and glared at her. "well I only made this place a little more homey, I think it looks quite nice" I answered her. She stomped up the stairs then. "grumpy bitch" I muttered. "I think it looks amazing....just like you" Draco stated. I waved my wand again and a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk floated down in front of us. "hungry?" I asked.

We ate our cookies and then opened our presents. I gave Draco a Rolex watch with a message engraved on the back of it. "Merry Christmas Draco. Love Rose xxx" he grinned when I gave it to him. "More Muggle designer gear" he asked. I smiled sheepishly and nodded. I could tell by his face that he loved it anyway. He handed me my present then. It was a large flat box. "there are two presents but one is quite small" he told me before I opened it. I unwrapped the silver wrapping and opened the box. Inside lay a red and White set of lingerie. I laughed. "ooh these are nice" I chirped. I held them up. They were red lace with silver trimming. The bra had White fur along the top. I giggled. "thank you" I blushed. I found another little box inside too. I unwrapped it and found a snowflake necklace. It had a red gem in the middle and tiny silver ones around it. It sparkled in the light. I gasped. "Draco it's lovely" he smiled. "I knew you'd like it" he whispered.

"my parents also have a present for you" he said. I looked very confused. "but they only met me once" I protested. "well Mother was shopping and she picked up this" he held out another wrapped item. This one had a red and velvet green ribbon wrapped around it. I opened the wrapping paper and gazed at my unexpected present. In my hands lay a silver jewellery box with green emeralds on the lid. I opened it and saw the inside was covered in emerald green satin. "your parents don't mind me then?" I asked. He laughed. "Mother seems to like you and Father always speaks highly of you, they always ask about you in their owls" I was amazed. I hugged Draco tightly. This was the best Christmas ever.

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now