The night continues

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My heart raced as we headed up the boys stairs. I was surprised that the stairs let me up. I heard they were enchanted to keep the girls out of the boys dorms and vice versa. We continued and then we reached the boys dorm. It was the same as ours but reversed. The beds were lined against the walls. Green and silver curtains hung from the beds. Draco pulled me towards his bed. The alcohol was starting to wear off me at this stage. I was well aware of what I was doing now but I didn't hesitate. I like Draco and I am positive of that. I landed on his black silk sheets. His bed was really comfy. I pulled him down beside me. I sat on his lap and leaned in to kiss him. Our lips met and it was like the room was filled with a hundred fireworks. I moved so I was straddling him and kissed him more fiercely. He deepened the kiss and before I knew it my hands were tangled in his hair. He moved down my neck trailing tiny kisses as he went. My heart fluttered. I pulled him back up to my lips. We continued to kiss for a while. We didn't aim to go any further because we were still only sixteen. I pulled away and felt my cheeks burning. We lay down beside each other and stared up at the ceiling. I wanted Draco so much but it was too early. We hadn't known each other that long and I wanted to wait for another bit.

Suddenly the door burst open. Another couple had just barged in. They were sucking the faces off each other. I recognised the boy as Eric something or other. I couldn't remember his full name and really I didn't care. The girl was......... 


She was throwing herself at him, oblivious to the fact that Draco and myself were in the room. She hooked her leg around his waist and pushed her chest out. He looked as if all his birthdays had come at once. I was disgusted. I whispered to Draco "I'm gettin out of here, I don't wanna witness something like this"  

He hopped off the bed and said "I'm coming with you". Just as we were making our escape Pansy saw us. "you wanna join Draco?" she offered. Dear god! She's offering a threesome... With her and that other fool. "no thanks, I'll pass" Draco snapped. I nearly passed out with laughter. We shoved our way through the party. Until we reached my dorm. We climbed the stairs and I showed Draco our dorm. He sat down on my bed while I went to the bathroom to check my make up. When I came back I saw him looking over at my wardrobe. I looked puzzled and then suddenly saw what he was gazing at. My lingerie drawer. He had his eyes on my hot pink lacy bra and panties with a silver trim along the outside. I blushed. In my hurry earlier I had left my drawer wide open. "what are you staring at?" I asked. "your very interesting looking lingerie" he replied smirking. I went scarlet. "I imagine you look very cute in some of those..." he continued. "well maybe you'll see sometime" I said.  

"aww no chance of a fashion show?" he asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. I gasped "I'm not a glamour model you know.. And you'll just have to wait" I answered smiling smugly.

That night I fell asleep thinking of Draco. I knew for sure that he was "The One" I don't know how I knew but I felt it. Draco stayed in my dorm for awhile until the party died down so he could get back to his own bed. Thankfully pansy and the other goof weren't there so he slept soundly. 


Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now