Never mess with a riled Princess

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Eventually I would have to return to my Father with answer and I thought there was no better day than today. Draco was busy today with his task, he had come up with a plan which he said would not fail. I didn't really want to know what it was as I wasn't involved in the Dark Lords work. I went to visit my Father alone for the first time ever. I was slightly nervous but I was a brave girl, I could handle it. I made my way towards the forbidden Forrest to apparate. My stomach was churning because I was just about to tell my Father that I didn't want to be as evil as him. What if he used the Cruciatus curse on me! I shook my head  and laughed at that thought.  I could flatten him without even realising it and he knew it. I turned on the spot and felt the horrible feeling of being apparated. "Rose" I heard my Father say. "It's nice to see you" I smiled weakly at him and forced myself to go through with it. "Is everything ok" he asked me. I looked up at him and snapped "No it is not ok, You expect me continue what you are doing and you hardly even know me, I AM NOT EVIL" I screeched at him. He looked taken aback by my sudden outburst. "I know about the prophecy Father and it does not include me, It only includes you and Harry" I snarled. "My answer is NO" I told him. "I will not be your Successor, even if you beg me. I would hate killing all those people just because they are muggle born, I don't want to be the heir of Slytherin either"  I was about to storm out of the room when I felt a hand roughly grab my arm. I swung around to see the ugly face of a Deatheater. "You don't mean it sweetheart, How can you know what you want at such a young age" I recognised this guy as Dolohov. "let go" I tried to shake my hand out of his grasp but it tightened. I spun around and muttered "Retidus" a long silver rope flew from my wand. I waved it around my head and caught him by the ankles. The rope wrapped around his ankles and dragged him to the ground where he lay petrified"You asked for it" I smirked. "Don't ever try and mess with me again" the rope turned into a long thin silver snake and followed me towards the exit where it burst into silver flames on my command. I was satisfied I got the job done and I had taken down Dolohov with a flick of my wrist. "I'll see you all soon" I called cheerily over my shoulder. No doubt some of my Fathers loyal followers were now plotting to secretly kill me but I'd like to see them try. I clicked my heels and turned on the spot feeling like Dorothy returning to Oz.

I returned to Hogwarts and went to the Slytherin common room. "where were you gone?" Sylvia and Alicia both asked at the same time. "Oh just in the library" I lied easily. I waited for their expressions to change to let me know my lie was successful. They looked at me suspiciously. "No you weren't" Alicia replied snobbishly. It was at these times that this girl really got on my nerves. "I saw you return from the Forbidden Forrest" she said in that same tone. "then why did you ask where I was then?" I challenged. I looked at Sylvia she looked torn but then came to her senses. "Alicia, I don't think we have anything to worry about, I told you she isn't like that"  "Like what?" I snapped glaring at Alicia in particular. "Why were you in the Forbidden Forrest?" she asked again bluntly. I shook my head and said "fine, I was curious"    "Rose are you mad" Sylvia exclaimed,"that place is lethal you could have gotten killed"  Then Alicia really got on my nerves. What was she playing at anyway? "LIAR!!" she shouted "You were not exploring nor were you curious, You went to the forbidden Forrest top Apparate to the DARK LORD didn't you?" she spat. My head spun and suddenly I felt like I wanted to kill that evil girl. How dare she?

Rose Kelly and the Prince of Slytherin(a Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now