Chapter Six

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School had finally been over for you. Today had been a ruff day as any other day. Kids again had picked on you at lunch and you were once again defenseless. Instead of making your way to the dance hall to get a peek at Taemin Sunbae enter his practice, You found yourself walking out of those double doors, walking down the sidewalk towards your home. You felt the world weighing down on your shoulders. The acception in society seemed to be beautiful and skinny. It's not like you hadn't tried before to loose some weight. It just seemed that whatever diet you did, what ever new exercise machine you had used, whatever positive out look you had, it all failed with a capitol F. 

Just once you were able to be accepted by one person. And that one person in fact had been Ga Eul. The only friend you could ever rely on. She was just as pretty as the other girls in class and just as skinny as the other girls. Luckily she did not judge you because of your eating habits. But you knew in the back of her mind she's always thinking that if you could just give up on the foods you eat or exercise a number of "X" amount of hours, that you could be just as pretty as the rest of them. But you understood that she does not fully understand your problems. She could try to be supportive all that she can but that alone would not change your body image with just her scolding. 

To have been denied by Taemin sunbae at school, in that fashion when you felt the most strongest and vulnerable, the rejection hurt deep down. You went in, knowing that your chances were a bit slim, but you had held onto the fact that he had a good heart. Even if he had rejected your feelings,you thought that he would have been gentle about it. But he had been pain staking honest. The words that could tear anyone's pride apart, had been installed, ready for damage. As you stand at the crosswalk, waiting for the red light to turn green, you become aware of your surroundings. The evening commute zoomed by the intersections. The cars kept coming and coming. Faster and faster they went down the road. The cars were quick. And it made sense. 

"If I take a walk at this very moment....will this pain in my heart end quickly?"


 These thoughts were in your head. Quickly you tried to disregard such ugly and dark thinking as you closed your eyes and thought of your mother and father. They could only do so much to help you. If you'd walk out on this crosswalk right now, your parents would be in worse pain then you already feel you are in. You start crying as you bent your head. The light to walk had turned green and the people that had filed behind you, waiting to cross, had passed you busily looking elsewhere or concentrated on their cell phones. You stood there until the crosswalk was empty and the light turned red again. Because you had not looked up and because you had been crying, you were not aware of the instant change. You thought the light was still green. Just as you were about to take a step onto the road, you hear a loud hunk, as you start to look up and see a bus heading straight for you with no signs of slowing down. 

Your eyes wide, your heart sunk at it's upmost bottom, you felt someone tug you behind. You and that other person fell hard on your ass as the bus passed by honking angrily. Due to shock, you could not properly grasp onto what had just happened here.

 "I was....I was going to die....why did you stop me?" You said to yourself. 

You stared at the cement, breathing in large gasps. Your whole body shook violently. Your hands could not stay still. You try to calm them by holding onto them but it could not be helped. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!????" A stranger shouted behind you. 

You could not look anywhere else. You stared at just your hands. Without taking another glance, you cried right there on the sidewalk. Letting go of  everything you've been hiding inside.

* * *

When you finally came to your senses, that you are in fact still alive and still in the body you hated most, you looked around to find yourself in an unfamiliar place. This room had a lot of space with hardwood floors, high rise windows and half dingy mirrors covering almost all of the left side wall. Graffiti had been covered all over the free walls  with obscene language, images and names of unknown gangs. The scent of strong oil and paint overwhelmed you. How could anyone breath in here you think to yourself. You stood up and realized you had been sitting on a old tattered sofa with a severely scratched wood end table by it's side. You found your book bag laying next to your feet and grabbed it. 

You had no idea where you are and honestly you felt scared that you might be in the hands of a creepy pervert waiting to attack you in this wide space. Not feeling comfortable at all you head straight for the door. But as you approach it, someone enter's through it carrying a tray of instant noodles and a small cup of hot tea. The stranger had been a boy, taller then you with milky cream skin and dark hair that hid half of his right eye. You had never saw him in your life and quite honestly, you were not looking forward to getting to know him. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. 

You didn't respond. He walked a bit closer to look you in the face but you shied away.

"I think earlier you had been in shock...I had brought you some tea..."

"W-Who are you?" You asked, stuttering feeling scared for your life. 

He looked at you and just as you thought that he was going to come closer, he walks past you and set's down his tray. 

"Do you remember what happened? You almost got hit....I was the one to pull you back." He said. 

"So he messed with my fate." You thought to yourself. 

"I asked...who are you." You repeated again. 

He grabbed the tea and came closer to you again. He offered it to you. 

"You should drink this before I introduce myself." he said. 

You stared at the cup, not sure why this type of person was being so nice. You did not need his sympathy. Turning around, you had ran off, your heart beating so fast that you were afraid it would come out of your chest. You were not at all familiar with the surroundings but you just ran anywhere. Somewhere where that stranger could not find you. Little did you know, Kai, who had been near that unidentified place, saw you running away. 

"Who is that?" Kai asked himself out loud.

He spotted that she had on the same uniform as him and automatically thought of you. The bread creme girl. Watching intently as you ran away down the street, Kai's buddy, LAY, came out looking for you when he noticed Kai. 

" came?" Lay asked. 


Lay nodded and looked past Kai. 

"But did you see a girl running past here a moment ago?"Lay asked. 

"Mmm...hyung, what was that all about?" Kai asked. 

Lay sighed and placed one hand on Kai's shoulder. 

"I'm sure glad to see that your back." Lay said with a small smile ignoring his question. 

"You know how it is. I always finish what I've started." Kai said. 

"Of course...we should practice. We have a lot to catch up on." Lay said. 

Lay patted his shoulder once more and walked away. Kai turned around, wondering what had just happened.

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