Chapter 43

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Lu Han was already at the studio when you had arrived there with Taemin. Lu Han did not pay you any mind as he was enwrapped up in what he was doing. You too tried to avoid him as you clung onto Taemin, annoying him on purpose. Lay had came out of another room and watched as Taemin threw his book bag aside and pushed you aside. 

"GET OFF MY BACK!" Taemin yelled over the music. 

Irritated, Lu Han stopped dancing and angrily turned towards you and Taemin. He threw both of you evil looks and then turned off the music. You apologized while Taemin strutted off to the side to stretch. Lay laughed at you and came by your side. 

"Why are you bothering Taemin like that?" Lay asked. 

"Because, something weird is with Taemin. I think something happened to him. He's been pretty calm all day." You said to Lay. 

"Oh really? Taemin is it true?" Lay asked. 

Taemin sighed and looked at him. 

"Hyung...if I tell you something, you have to promise not to tell You." Taemin said. 

"Okay." Lay agreed quickly. 

Your bottom jaw dropped and Lu Han went to rest for a bit. Taemin came to Lay and whispered in his ear. When Taemin told Lay about being asked to audition for SM Entertainment Lay was surprised. 

"Yah really?" Lay asked. 

Taemin nodded his head. You had tried to listen in but he Taemin was really quiet. 

"Aw man....congrats...I guess." Lay said. 

"What are you two talking about?" You pried. 

Taemin looked at you and wrapped his arm around you. Wearing a shifty smile, he told Lay

"Make sure you don't tell her." 

"Huh!??? Wae? WAE!!!??" You screeched tugging at his arm.

"Stop being annoying." Taemin scowled.

* * * 

You did not say anything to Lu Han since he was being really quiet today and did not saying much. You did not know what to expect so you just tried to keep your distance. When you were out the door, leaving for home, you felt someone behind you. You turned around and saw Lu Han there with his belongings. He stopped walking as he saw you looking back at him. 

"Hi." he said awkwardly.

It was just too cute that you couldn't help but smile and wave at him. 

"Your going home?" he asked you. 

"Mmm. Are you?" You asked him.

"Uh...not really. I don't feel like eating dinner at home...I was going to go out for you...want to join me?" he asked you. 

After yesterday, you felt as if you need to keep the distance. 

"Oh...I would but I can't. I have tons of homework." 

"Oh okay then. I guess... I'll..."

He walked away, leaving you feeling a bit empty. But you know that what you just did was for the best. Lu Han needs time to heal to himself. You watched him as he was about to cross road. But then again, something made you want to follow him. So you did. 

"LUU-HANNNN!!" You screamed across the way. 

You ran across the street just in time to catch up with him. He looked at you with a warm smile on his face. This heavenly smile made you want to burst into thousands of twinkling beautiful stars. Lu Han was really handsome. You knew it before, you knew it all those times he talked to you, but now you felt as if you were seeing Lu Han in a way that you would never think you'd see him in before. This feeling, scared you. Yet you could not resist not backing away. 

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