Chapter 47

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Taemin secretly went to the audition for S.M. Entertainment behind his mother's back. He figured it was time to make moves for himself. If he could not have you, he was going to have his chance of becoming an idol. It was something he could see himself doing. He had the looks, he had the talent...he just needed the training. He signed his name in the sign-up sheet and looked around him. All around were other good looking kids, waiting for a chance to audition. Some were occupied with their MP3's, practicing singing or dancing, before their name would be called. There was one girl who was really pretty that stood out. Taemin noticed her right away. But it wasn't because of her looks. Her dancing was pitiful. 

Taemin  smirked at her lack of rhythm and went to go and sit down. He received a text from Lay wishing him luck. He was nervous. Though Taemin was good at not showing too much of his emotions, Taemin wondered if everyone else, the more talented ones, could see through his hard looks into his nervous wrecked heart. He really did not know what he was going to do once he step into that audition room. He only hoped that the producers/talent scouts would be left with an impression of him. As Taemin took out his MP3 to listen to the song that he was going to audition to, a geeky girl wearing big round oval glasses, a school uniform and braces sat next to him. She was a bit over weight this girl. Taemin looked at her from the side of his eye, irritated. 

The girl gasped for air and then smiled shyly. 

AIGOOOO Those steps..." she moaned. 

She patted the back of her sweaty neck and complained softly. Taemin scooted his seat farther from her so that he could concentrate on the audition. The girl took notice and smiled. 

"Omo....your cute..." she blushed and looked away. 

Taemin rolled his eyes and turned up the volume on his MP3 player. 

"Are you here to audition?" She asked Taemin, though he was clearly trying his best to ignore her. But she kept her eyes fixed on Taemin. Getting irritated by the minute, he answered her question. 

"Yes. Is that all?" Taemin snapped back.

But instead of taking offense to it, the girl smiled and grabbed his arm. 

"YAHHH! Me too! Wahh what fate would it be if we pass this audition together? Omo we could train together....-GASPS- WE COULD DEBUT TOGETHER...."

The girl was getting herself so worked up that Taemin could not help but wonder why this girl wasn't reacting to his cold response. She kept persisting as if Taemin actually welcomed her company. 

"You too? You are auditioning as well?" Taemin asked. 

"Mmmm. Oh, let me introduce myself. Hello. My name is Song Joo. I'm in Grade 8. My talents specializes in dancing, singing and modeling." 

Taemin had to stop himself from laughing. Judging only by her looks, Song Joo wasn't a pure beauty. With her natural curly hair, braced up crooked teeth and  additional fat hanging from her waist and thighs, Song Joo was not a girl that could compare to a beauty like the women in SNSD or the one's in the really popular CF's now-a-days. Song Joo was just a plain Jane with nothing going for her, physical wise. 

"What are you auditioning for? Could I guess? Well, your face is almost beyond perfect....almost like my beloved Jaejoong oppa....and your body is slender...wahhh you must be a dancer." She said. 

Taemin eyed Song Joo up and down and for one straight moment and forgotten all about her looks. 

"How do you know I am a dancer?" He asked. 

Song Joo just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. 

"You just seem like a dancer I guess that's all. Besides, I saw the way you were moving your body just now before I came. Your moves, even if it's small, are really nice and easy. It flows almost like water." Song Joo said. 

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