Chapter Seven

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A couple of week's later, the winter exams were starting to approach. It seemed as everyone had been on edge, studying harder then they normally would. From the early rise of the morning, into the late night, the school hours felt long and tiring. However school was the best place to be around this critical time. Everyone in CLASS E-110 had been sitting in class, studying so much. There was little time to converse between each other.

But Ga Eul always seemed to take breaks to converse with Kai. Ever since he's been in that class, you've noticed that him and Ga Eul had became a bit closer. There was no doubt in your mind that Ga Eul liked him. Every time he would leave from his seat, she would quickly try to fix herself up and ask for your "Okay" to make sure she looked pretty. With a small smile you would nod your head and continued to work.

Whenever Kai came back, he would sneak small glances at you, and smile at the image of you eating the creme filled bread at that one time. The memory in his head of you eating that bread was not used for humor. That memory just made him smile in awe. He had never seen a girl eat so much in a little amount of time and cutely erase the filling from her mouth with the back of her hand while downing down an entire half carton of banana milk afterwards. Though you had that sad look on your face that made Kai feel sad for you, he couldn't resist smiling at the thought of you doing something so not normal. Kai would quickly hide his smile as soon as Ga Eul gotten his attention.

This time, as Kai stood up to leave for a break, Ga Eul tapped you to get your attention. Trying hard to concentrate on your work, you break your eyes away from it to pay attention to Ga Eul.

"How do I look?" she asked.

She had just applied a fresh amount of lip gloss on her lips and smoothed out her stray hairs.

"You look fine." You assured her.

Ga Eul sighed and smiled.

"I think...I think I like him." She confessed to you.

You looked at her, trying to feel happy for her. "At least the boy that she likes, she'll be able to attract his heart." You think to yourself.

" Really? He's really handsome." You noted to her.

"I know. He's really nice too. He's nothing like everyone else say's. And he's definitely not like that jerk." Ga Eul puffed thinking of Taemin.

"Then...are you going to confess to him?" You asked.

Ga Eul looked concerned and looked at her fingers.

"I'm not sure. A lot of girls really like him too." She said.

"I remembered when I said those same words to you when I was conflicted on weather to confess to Taemin sunbae. Do you remember what you told me?" You asked her with a smile.

Gae Eul's shoulder's dropped. She looked at her work, starting to feel guilty.

"If it wasn't for my big mouth, you wouldn't have gotten so pressed." Ga Eul blamed herself.

"The only person to blame was myself. I can't change who I am in a day. " You told yourself.

"Unnniieeeee....don't be like this. No, it did not work for me. But it could work for you. Just gather your strength and give it your best." You grabbed her hand and held it in the air.

Ga Eul's disappointed face suddenly turned into a light hearted smile.

"Your right. And if he doesn't accept me...I'll just try again." Ga Eul pumped her fist inwards as if she was pumping her own self up and it makes you laugh.

".You..your laughing." Ga Eul gasped.

"Wae?" You said.

"It's just been awhile since I've seen you smile. I'm glad." Ga Eul said.

"It must be the long study hours that's making me crazy." You said to her looking back at your work.

Ga Eul smiled and noticed that Kai came back into the room. This time he had 3 carton's of milk. The rest of the girls in the room watched as he hand one to Ga Eul.

"I'd thought you would be thirsty." he said as he handed one to her.

"This...this is for me?" She asked him.

He nodded his head, smiling at her so much charm.

"You like banana milk right?" he asked.

"MMM. Thank-you." Ga Eul said happily.

Pleased to see her reaction, he walked over to where you were sitting. This caused every head in the entire room to focus on you two.

"Are you thirsty too? I've brought you one as well." he said to you.

As if in slow motion, you see him place the banana milk right near your textbook. Gasps could be heard through the entire class room. It was pen drop quiet as everyone stared in shock. Even you were in complete shock, as Kai stood in front of you with a warm smile.

"Your Ga Eul's best friend right?" he asked.

Entranced in his handsome looks and deep voice, you nodded your head slowly.

"I hope you like banana milk too." he said.

"I love banana milk." You said to him as if you were in a trance.

Kai once again, went back to the visual of you drinking that milk and smiled genuinely. It was one of those real smiles that Ga Eul never noticed Kai had. She had smiled at his kind gesture and happily began to drink her milk.

"Komapseumnida." You bowed in your seat as you thanked him.

"Please...drink it well." he said.

Then he sat down in his seat and began to drink his milk. Girls started to groan in envy as they viewed the threesome happily drinking their banana milk in unison.

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