Chapter 28

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It was the day before the exams and everyone was on the edge. Everyone studied relentlessly, talking about nothing but the subjects that would be covered and how crucial it was to get every last single question correct. Taemin however had ben on edge about facing you. He still had a bone to pick with you but Kai and Lu Han had pestered Taemin to apologize to you and Taemin figured that the more they bothered him about it, the more he'd want to back out of it. But he could not do that. Not after you decided to be the better person and tell Lu Han what Yoona was going to do. 

Taemin was in the boy's bathroom, staring at his reflection preparing himself before he meet's you face to face. Sighing heavily, he pointed to his reflection. 

"Today...your going to face her...and tell her....tell her...aissshhhh I CAN'T DO IT!!!" Taemin rumbled around his hair and then calmed down. 

"I have to...I have to do it." Taemin whispered to himself. 

He nodded and then straightened his uniform a little. When he opened the door to walk out of the bathroom, it had hit against someone. That someone had been you. You held onto your forehead with your eye's closed. 

"OMO...are you okay? Are you alright?" Taemin had rushed to your side without thinking. 

"Why is it that whenever I'm in a situation like this, he's there to ask if I'm okay? I'm never okay when your around." You say to yourself. 

"You Genchahnahyo (Are you okay)?" Taemin had his hands on your shoulders. 

You opened your eyes to find yourself face to face with Taemin. You sigh and rubbed your forehead. You shift away from under his grasp. 

"I'm was an accident." he said.

"It's okay. I'm fine." You were ready to walk away but Taemin stepped in your way. 

"Wait....I wanted to talk to you." Taemin said. 

"Him wanting to talking to me? " You asked in your head. You would have never dreamed in a million years that Taemin would ever want to talk to you. Especially after that last encounter. It had been awkward the last time you two had coincidental met. Taemin had tackled the issue on you being suicidal and you did not want to talk to him about that any more. You were sure you had left him upset that day. But today he did not look upset. You stood there, waiting to hear what he was going to say. 

"Why?" You asked when he did not speak. 

Taemin looked you in his eyes as he began to talk. 

"I want to apologize...if I ever made you mad, I want to say that I'm sorry." He said. 

You can't believe your ears as Taemin takes on a new tone as he's speaking to you. It's gentle and sensitive. He sounded like the Taemin that had grabbed your heart that day when he stood up for you in front of your class. He wasn't looking else where, his attention was fully on you. 

"I heard what you told Lu Han about Yoona...."

"Oh...because of this...your apologizing." You said now understanding why Taemin was being nice all of a sudden. 

Taemin just nodded his head. Your feelings for Taemin are leaving. For your sake, you think it would be better to just let it all go. 

"I almost kept it to myself. But...if I had done so, I realized I would have been just as terrible as Yoona. I know you and I aren't friends...I just....couldn't allow that to happen to someone I use to like." You tried to explain yourself why you did so. 

"Use to like? You don't like me anymore?" Taemin asked. 

"Nope. But you should be you don't have to worry about someone like me liking you." You said to him. 

Taemin sighed and nodded his head. 

"I'm glad." He had the nerve to say. 

Getting angry, you realized that Taemin was just a loser. He would never get his priority's straight. 

"Now I feel like a total jack ass for having to like a guy like you." You said to him. 

"What?" Taemin asked clearly insulted. 

"Even though I was a fool to fall in too deep, I still thank-you. Because of you...I can shape myself into a better person. Something better then I am now." You said. 

Taemin looked at you, feeling himself sink into your words. There was such a new air of confidence as you looked him in the eye right now. Taemin could feel it. 

"Because of me...your shaping yourself better? What does that mean?" he asked. 

"Jong-In-ah is going to be teaching me how to dance. It's something I'm not really good at but I want to try it. I figured if I pick up new interest's, then maybe I can quickly let go of my past interest's...including you." You said to him. 

Taemin frowned. 

" don't like me anymore..." Taemin said to himself. 


"Does this mean that you like Kai?" Taemin asked. 

"What?" His question took you off guard. 

Taemin regained a smile and stepped closer to you. 

"Lately, I've been seeing you and Kai hanging together...."

"Oh...that....Jong-In-ah is just being nice." You said to him. 

"Just nice?" Taemin smirked. 

Taemin looked at you thinking "You don't know Kai well. If you did, you'd know that Kai has fallen for you." Taemin looked off, getting pissed off at numerous things.

First, Taemin felt rejection again. You did not like Taemin anymore. For Taemin, he felt like he should be relieved. But right now he felt anything but relief.

Second, Kai liked you. Taemin felt embarrassed for his friend but none the less, he had lost you to Kai.

Third, Taemin didn't like girls who were oblivious to the most obvious. For you to not realize that Kai wasn't just being "nice" made him want to criticize you.  But Taemin held his tounge. 

" don't feel anything for Kai?" Taemin asked. 

You looked at Taemin and thought for a second. Just thinking about Kai made you feel happy. Seeing his smiling face, hearing his laughter, just being around him, made you feel alive. It was nice to be surrounded people who made you feel good. 

"Jong-In-ah...he's a good friend." You told Taemin. 

Taemin looked you in the eye and believed you for a second. "Could she really....not like Kai?" Taemin thought to himself. 

"Is this all? I need to go." You said to Taemin. 

"Oh...yeah...that's it." Taemin said. 

You walked away feeling as if you had just told a big lie. Kai seemed to take to you well. He was nice and extremely good looking. You couldn't think for a second that Kai could like someone like you. Even though there was a piece of you that has taking a liking to him. "Jong-In-ah...he could only be a friend...nothing else...I don't want to think of anything else...I don't want to be hurt again..." You thought to yourself, rushing to class.  

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