Chapter 20

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Kai had placed his things on that ratty old couch you had once laid on. You give the whole place a good look and remembered the visual's you had seen on that day. The graffiti on the free spaces, the entire left wall that was made of dingy mirror's....this had been that very place you had never wanted to return to. Kai had walked over to what looked like a CD stereo and then walked in the middle of the large space. You stood there watching and wandering what in the world Kai was doing. He was looking at his reflection, stretching his hands and legs out before the music had finally came on. 

A slow beat with a repetitive sound had ended the cold silence in the large room. As soon as the strong vocal came on, Kai began to dance. (Yes the song  is EXO's "What Is Love") You had no idea that Kai knew how to dance well. He had been clowning around in the norabang so much that you had been under the impression that alongside his terrible singing voice that he was not a good dancer. The soft yet swift moves that he made as the song went along moved you. It was as if the entire background had disappeared and Kai was dancing alone in a pitch black room with a single spotlight shining down only at him. 

He seemed so handsome, making so much serious facial expression's, gazing intently at his reflection. Right on the spot your heart beat raised a level. The way his body became one with the music put almost everything into slow motion. Kai was stunning. He was truly the best dancer you had ever seen with your own eyes. Once he stopped moving you realized the song had stopped. The pitch black room had became the abandoned building once again. Kai steadied his breathing by putting both hands on his waist's and bending over a bit. 

He looked at you with no smile on his face. 

"Why did you try to kill yourself?" he asked. 

He was so Taemin had been. First the thought in your mind wondered how in the world Kai knew about this. You were asking yourself if girls were really spreading cruel rumor's such as these around school. Pressured, you started to run away but Kai blocked you in just enough time. 

"Don't run away from me. I won't hurt you." he said. 

"Why did you bring me here?" You asked him.

For the first time you were being direct and loud without stuttering. Kai slowed down his breathing as he began to talk. 

"So you do remember this you remember why you were brought here?" he asked you. 

You did not answer. 

"That person who brought you here...he's my hyung. That day...when he saved you from that bus..."

Right then and there you knew that Kai knew everything. Ashamed you turned around so that he could not see your face. 

"I saw you running from here on that day. That's why I asked hyung had happened."

"And he told you?" You said. 

"Yes...but only because he seemed worried."

"How could someone like that person be worried about me?" You thought to yourself. At that time, you thought that person would cause harm to you. Kai could not keep his eyes off of you as you try to think of a solution to get out of this. But with the way Kai was handling himself, as if he deserved to know, it seemed as if he wouldn't let this pass without an argument. 

"I'm fine..I'll be fine..." You wanted to get out of here quickly.

"Are you really fine?" he asked you. 

No you weren't. Your life wasn't becoming any easier because of your weight. Day in and day out you had to struggle. In a world where beauty comes before the inner self, you were always stressed. The hints a friend tell's you, the hints you get from your parents, the world criticizing you where ever you go is so hard and so loud. No one want's to date a fat girl. No one want's to sit next to one. No one care's how you became this way. No one see's the inner you, hurting day by day by their judging. No one. And it's almost unfair. Feeling a tear fall down, you don't want to break down. You didn't want to think about that one day of darkness anymore. What was the use of hiding it any more or dispelling it off as only a rumor like you had done to Lu Han? So without a second thought, you started to talk to Kai. Slowly letting him into your world.

"I only thought for a second....if I erased my life....things would be better." You told Kai flat out. 

Kai stood in his spot, listening. 

"But I....I decided against it. I thought of my mom and my dad....if I erased myself from their life's, how would they feel. I couldn't leave this world thinking that I would put my parents in so much pain after wards. I just...couldn't." You said.

Kai looked at the ground, feeling some what hurt. 

"Why...why would you..."

"You should already know Kai. Let's not be stupid or ignore the's how Taemin see's it. It's how everyone in school see's it...I'm fat. It's because of came to that thought." You said. 

"Why can't you just be proud of who you are?" Kai asked. 

The volume in his voice raised a notch as he talked now. Kai was clearly upset. And you truly did not understand why. 

"What's to be proud of when I hate myself?" 

You had never said these words out loud. Not to anyone. Words like that always stayed in your head when you looked in a mirror, when you ate sweet bread or anything else fattening to comfort you, when you went to bed at night. These words broke through and hit you like a ton of bricks. At that moment, you broke down. You fell to your knee's and cried. 

Little did you know, Taemin had been in the back, hiding behind a door, watching.

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