Chapter 35

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Today was the first day of school. Somehow you did not feel nervous about going. In fact you were anxious to show off the new you. You've worked so hard and you were not ashamed to let everyone know. As you fitted into the medium sized uniform, and looked at yourself in the mirror, you had a smile on your face. 

" is your day." You said to yourself. 

You nodded your head and pumped your arms inward shouting "FIGHTING!!!". You grabbed your book bag and set out for the morning walk. You passed by the bread store that you used to frequent before school. It was just as busy as it usually is in the mornings. The morning commuter's were walking back and forth towards their destinations. There was a small traffic jam near by. Seeing the sights of this morning as well as the bread shop, you thought about how much of a long way you've came.

As you walked near by the school, you noticed Taemin talking to Hae Jung. Their conversation did not seem as if it was going well. Taemin would roll his eyes while Hae Jung would persist in trying to grab his attention. As you walked closer you could slightly hear their conversation. Just then Hae Jung walked away frustrated. She did not look back as she marched towards school. Taemin stood there, (his hair no longer blonde but brown)scratched the back of his head. You could hear him curse as you came near him.

"Good morning." You said to him. 

Taemin looked at you and his expression did not change. He looked elsewhere and started to walk away. You followed him. 

"Did you two fight?" You asked him. 

"Is it any of your business? Go away." Taemin sneered. 

You smiled and held onto his arm. Taemin, startled by your close encountered, looked at your hands as they were wrapped around his arm. His heart started to beat. 

"Yah, you can't get rid of me that fast." You smiled up at him. 

"What are you doing? You'll wrinkle my uniform." Taemin shoved you aside and you lost your grip. 

You frowned yet still continued to follow him. 

"I just figured I'd ask if you were okay. You look upset." You told him. 

Taemin sighed. He really was ready to call an end to his relationship with Hae Jung. He was simply becoming irritated the more she called or showed up in his face. Taemin wanted to be free. 

"What does it matter to you? You should be worried about Kai." Taemin said. 

"Jong In-ah isn't here with us right now. So's only right for me to act as his replacement and help a friend of a friend." You said to him. 

"You replace Kai? Don't humor me." Taemin tossed the idea. 

"I'm being serious. Besides....aren't we sort of...friends?" You asked. 

Taemin stopped walking and faced you. He noticed how pretty you seemed to look today. Your hair was fixed up and you wore minimal make-up to hide your not so attractive flaws. He also noticed the smudge of lip gloss on the corner of your lips. He smirked to himself, trying to hold himself back from not wiping away that smudge with his own hands. 

"Chingu? Who said that we were even friends? I only trained you that's it. That does not make us friends." Taemin said, hiding his hands in his pockets. 

You frowned, getting upset. "He's still that stupid it is for me to think he'd change." You sighed and decided not to get to angered by it. You just figured it must be in Taemin's DNA to be a jerk. 

"Ok. So we aren't friends. But, I'm grateful for what you've done for me. So take this as me paying you back." You said to him. 

"If you want to pay me back...stay away from me." Taemin leaned in close to face you. 

He was so close that your noses were almost touching. Surprised that Taemin would even come in so close to you shocked you. He stared at you for a couple of seconds and then pulled back, walking to school leaving you alone. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat and continued to walk on to school. * * * 

Ga Eul's mouth dropped as she saw you. She recognized you at first glance. You smiled at her reaction, glad to know that someone at least recognized you. 

"Omo omo omo....this this true?" Ga Eul asked. 

"Mmmm. Every morning I wake up and ask myself is this a dream? " You told her. 

Ga Eul covered her mouth and then embraced you into a tight hug. 

"Your so friggen pretty." Ga Eul said. 

"Not as pretty as you..." You told her.

"Are you kidding me? Have you not noticed all the guys taking notice of you?" Ga Eul said. 

You can't say that you haven't. Of course the attention had been on you as soon as you had hit the school gates. Everyone was wondering "Who is that girl" and they were saying things like " Oh..she's cute" and "Where did she come from?". These comments made you want to laugh. But despite the talk of your appearance, you were glad to see Ga Eul again. For 3 months you two had been away from each other. Ga Eul was your only friend that was a girl. There was much for the two of you to talk about. 


"Thank-you." You said. 

"Let's take a picture....I promised my Hunnie that I would send him a picture of my best friend." 

"Hunnie?" You asked surprised. 

"Oh..that's right..I didn't tell you...I have a boyfriend. His name is Se Hun. We met during break." 

"Se Hun?" 

"Mmm. Want to see a picture of him?" 

Ga Eul took out her cell phone and unlocked it to reveal a picture of Se Hun on the wallpaper.

You thought he was incredibly good looking. He had nice facial features and his smile was really cute. 

"Yahhhh he's really handsome." 

"I know right? He's really handsome and smart. He lives an hour away from me and we communicate by phone a lot of the the times." Ga Eul gushed. 

"Oh...I'm so happy for you." You said to her. 

"Thank-you. After Kai had rejected me...I didn't think I could even breath the same air as him again. that I'm with Se Hun I feel like I can breath again. Se Hun helped me a lot ." She said. 

You looked at your friend feeling regretful. You wished you could have done more to comfort her when Kai had rejected her. Ga Eul had helped you when you were at your most worst. As her friend, you can't stand back and just allow her to go through that pain by herself.

"Anyway...Kai is so last year...." Ga Eul said. 

You smiled at her comment but felt offended. In your mind, Kai will always be relevant. 

"Come on...let's take this photo...." 

Ga Eul had crowded next to you and turned her camera opposite of you so she could take the picture of you two together. 

"On the count of three say "KIMCHIIII"" 

You smiled while putting up the "V" sign and said "KIMCHI!"

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