Chapter 25

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You had to stay after school to study for your exams. Right now you shouldn't be worrying about Kang Yoona or Ga Eul's affection with Kai. The winter exam's are really important and should be the only important thing. But with you deciding to make a change, and take dance lesson's with Kai, you could not think about taking a test. You want to think differently, become different. In order to do that, you figured you use all the rejection, all the negativity you've endured to help you build your confidence.  

As you decided that today would be the day you will change, you glance over at Ga Eul and then at the empty desk next to it. Kai wasn't there. He had left as soon as school had ended. Some how you were hoping that he would be here studying alongside everyone else. After what happened this afternoon between Yoona and you, he had not spoken much after that. 

Little did you know, Kai had went straight to the dance studio because he knew that Taemin would be there. Kai spent 4 hours dancing and waiting for Taemin. As he danced, he was thinking about you. He thought about how everyone seemed to treat you as if you've done something wrong just because you are the way you are, how much of an easy target you seem to be in front of his classmates. These very thoughts frustrated him. He even thought of you possibly still caring for Taemin. (Even though Taemin is such an ass to you.) After piecing Yoona's words and Lu Han's together, he has figured out already that it had been you who had told Lu Han about his friend.He felt grateful, seeing as it seemed you had showed some concern for Taemin. But it kind of bothered him.  As Kai was half way through his dance, the door had opened and Lu Han and Taemin had walked in wearing street clothes. (Rather then their school uniforms.)

He did not stop dancing as he watched them cast aside their bags and start stretching. Taemin watched Kai in the mirror and smiled at him. Kai ignored it, loosing himself in the music.

 " I wonder how long he's been at it." Lu Han told Taemin. Taemin sighed.

 " Something must be heavy on his mind. Whenever something is bothering me, I block everything out and use my feet." Taemin said. 

" the way...what happened with Yoona today? Did you confront her?" Lu Han asked Taemin.

Taemin smirked. 

"That girl...I let her go. I was going to dump her anyway. Even if you hadn't told me about her." Taemin said stretching his arms. 

"So ruthless. So you've made up your mind?" Lu Han asked. 

"Mmm. When I see Hae Jung tomorrow, I'll make it official." Taemin said with a satisfied smile. 

Lu Han nodded and started to think about Lauren. Tomorrow night would be his date with her and he could hardly wait. He hadn't told Taemin and Kai yet, but as soon as he officially makes Lauren his girl, he would let them know in due time. For now, he was doing his friends a favor by not telling . (He didn't like for his friends to be all up in his business too much.)

The song that Kai had danced to had ended and Kai stood up straight as Taemin approached him. 

"Nice moves...when did you come up with those?" Taemin asked. 

Kai smiled a little and slapped his friend on the back.

" Just now." Kai said breathless. 

"Seem's like you've been working look like you could pass out." Taemin said, mimicking some of Kai's move's that he had just done. 

"I'm healthy as a horse...I'll be fine. Besides, I'm glad that your here. I need to talk to you." Kai told Taemin. 

"What is it?" Taemin asked. 

"Yoona...did you break up with her?" Kai asked. 

"Why is that question so popular today? Hyung just asked me..."

"Just answer me." Kai demanded. 

"Yes...Wae?" Taemin said keeping his eye's on his own reflection. 

Kai sighed and took a seat on the ground. Lu Han came next to Taemin and he also started to mimic some of the move's Kai had just done. All was quiet until Kai spoke again. 

"Yoona...took out her anger on You." Kai said. 

Instantly they all looked at Kai, ears open and eye's wide. 

"What?" Taemin asked confused.

"Yoona came into homeroom, and POW....slapped You in the face." Kai reenacted the scene using his hands. 

Lu Han couldn't believe it. 

"Seriously?" Lu Han asked. 

"The whole class watched as Yoona embarrassed her. I felt embarrassed..."

"Yah does it even make sense? Why would Yoona slap her?" Taemin asked.

"She said something about it being You's fault that you had broke up with her. She said that You had told on her to you." Kai said. 

Taemin frowned. Trying to piece it all together, he could not. What Kai was saying did not make any sense to him. 

"Why would she do that?" Taemin asked. 

Kai sighed and shrugged. 

"I thought we were the one's who told you about that girl." Kai said. 

"You guy's did tell me....You never said anything to me about...hang on, why would she tell me about Yoona?" Taemin asked pointing finger's at Kai. 

Lu Han sighed as he figured it would be the right time to speak on the matter. 

"She was the one who told me about Yoona. She had said that she had overheard Yoona talking about what she was planning on doing to you and decided to tell me instead of telling you directly." Lu Han said. 

Taemin looked at Lu Han. He did not know what to say. 

"Now you know why I did not say who it was. For a person who's been rejected, she sure has a weak heart." Lu Han thought of you and smiled a little. 

Kai noticed it, brushing it off like it was not important. Taemin was really quiet as Kai continued on talking. 

"Anyway...because of you and your games, You was yet again bullied." Kai said. 

"Girl's like her will always be bullied...unless she changes..." Taemin sneered.

"As much as I want to call you an insensitive ass right now, I can't help but agree with you. When I first met You, girls were bullying her...treating her like garbage....I knew she was a weakling but lately...she's kind of changed my opinion about her." Lu Han said. 

Kai heard this and laid back, thank-full you had accepted those dance lesson's. Now maybe there was a possibility you could make a change in your life. On the flip side, he was not aware that you knew Lu Han. Lu Han hardly talked to anyone in school with the exception of Lauren and his close friends.

"So she's the one who tipped you off.." Taemin wondered while thinking about his situation. 

Lu Han nodded and Kai sighed. 

"You should apologize to her hyung...even if you don't want to." Kai said. 

"Why should I apologize? Did I hit her with my own hands? Have I ever done her wrong?" Taemin asked. 

"I think you broke her spirit before." Kai said. 

Lu Han and Taemin looked at Kai. Taemin became uneasy thinking of when you and Kai had been in this very building, spilling your sorrow's. He remembered clearly that you had hated yourself and what she thought of him, (Taemin) when he rejected her. 

"I once confessed to Taemin. I told him how I felt and I don't know....I just thought that because he seemed like a good person, that he would accept me. But he....he didn't. He didn't want a girl like me." You said to him

He did not feel like he had to apologize, but in this case, Taemin could not help but soften towards you for what you've done. Telling Lu Han about Yoona, he was grateful. His friends always protected him. Now he wondered why someone like you would try to protect him.

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