Chapter 15

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After having that encounter with Taemin you felt empowered. No more did you want to be the victim of constant bullying and rejection. You wanted to be so much more then you were now. Though right at this time, the winter exams were nearing and the pressures of studying became intense with each passing day, you figured you would treat this new transformation as serious as the exam's. However Taemin's words did embarrass and hurt you all over again. 

Especially about you being suicidal. If there were such rumors being spread about you then you were going to have to put a stop to it. As you went back to your class room to keep studying, you saw your desk was missing. Your belongings were all on the floor. Your snacks/lunch was smashed on the ground messing up your book bag and your jacket. A couple of girls were standing over it giggling to themselves. You approached them gazing at the damages made to your things. 

"Serve's you right." One of the girls said to your face. 

Another one pushed you. They laughed at you and started to walk away. Feeling your blood boil and your face get hot, you let the juice in your hand fall. Then with all your strength you called out 


Everyone in the class became quiet as all attention was on you and your shuddering body. Ga Eul and Kai were off having lunch together so there was no one here to defend you right now. The three girls who had been laughing now looked at you with their fighting faces ready. 

"What?!" One of them sneered back agitated. 

"What have I done wrong for you to treat me like garbage?" You say, controlling your voice. 

You wanted to explode but sanely, you were keeping a level head. 

"Should you even ask such naive things?" Girl one said. 

"Just because Lu Han oppa helped you out and Kai Oppa walked your fat ass home did you think that you became a princess overnight?" Girl two sneered. 

"She thinks she's all that. Coming and going as she pleases, acting all shy when she knew all along that she's stringing our oppa's away..." Girl three pronounced. 

"What? What are you talking about?"

You had no clue as to what would make them do evil things as this. And to put Kai and Lu Han name's in it, just because they were acting out of their kindness to help you, frustrated you even more. 

"You are obviously dumb. She can't even pay proper attention.." Girl two said. 

Girl One approached you, the nastiest glare was on you as she pushed you with one finger. 

"Yah, this is a warning. Stay away from our oppa's. There's enough girls out there that want them but when it comes to you it's off limits." 

"What's so different about me that I can't be around your precious oppa's? Do you think it's my fault if they are just being nice to me?" You said back.

"Their being nice to you because they feel sorry for you. Wake up and smell the bull shit." Girl three said as she was now in your face. 

Suddenly you felt your inner strength die down and come to horrible reality. "Could Kai have been nice just because I was Ga Eul's friend and he felt sorry for me? Could Lu Han just said those words because he saw through the weakness in me?" You ask yourself ,wanting to erase them as soon as you thought it, but they would not go away. The three girls smiled to themselves, feeling inferior that they had gotten to you. 

The rest of the kids started to whisper about you and laugh amongst themselves leaving you alone and shoved in the dark. 

"Stay away from them. Stay in your place." Someone from across the room called out. 

You didn't want them to leak, but a tear did. You bent your head defeated. But then a pair of finger's landed on your chin and brought your head up. Looking into his eyes, Kai stood in front of you. 

At first you thought you were only dreaming this. Usually in moments like this, there was no hero to come and save you from the bad people. You were stuck in a corner with no one to help you up. But when Kai said....

"'s okay." You felt how real this seemed to be. 

Kai was in front of you, smiling at you with so much dazzle that it made you think of something happy. That one happy memory that you could never seem to recall lately. That time when your family took a vacation to a beach. It was the first time you had ever seen the Pacific ocean so vast and blue, small waves overlapping each other and crashing into the dry land. You were with your family and you spent practically the whole day building sand castles and playing in the water with your father. You were 6 then and very skinny. You remembered never wanting to go home. You never wanted that day to pass by. That happy feeling you felt being along the shores of the pacific, came right at this very moment as you looked Kai in the eyes.

He smiled down at you. The whole classroom had became quiet again. Suddenly you felt Ga Eul by your side. She linked arm's with you and smiled at you. 

"Let's eat lunch together." Ga Eul said. 

You almost ignored the words she spoken because your gaze was only fixated on this beautiful creature that stood in front of you. Tall, brave and really handsome. 

"Ppang, we saved you some food." Kai said to you. 

"Let's go before it get's cold." Ga Eul insisted. 

Kai nodded his head and you turned to your friend, tuning into what she was saying. She started to walk and you followed with her. Kai and Ga Eul was trying to save you. You start to cry as you felt really grateful.

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