Chapter 26

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Before you read I wanted to correct a mistake I've made through out the story. In the beginning I had introduced Kai's real name as "Kim Jong In" (which is his real name) but I had made a mistake while writing and confused some of you by writing "Kim JUNG IN". It is not "JUNG IN" but "JONG IN". I am going back through my previous chapters to fix the mistakes. I just wanted to inform you all so that you can be aware. Thanks for those who pointed this out to my attention and to everyone, thanks for your comments. New readers, I hope you find this story to fit your taste's!!!!

It was getting late and Ga Eul had left hours ago. She stated that without Kai being here, studying was less attractive. Giving up, she decided to go home. It was only you that stayed behind so that you can focus more on your studies. It was a good thing you were by yourself because with Ga Eul not constantly distracting you every 15 minutes, you were able to plan out the things you wanted to do as far as improving yourself. You wanted to concentrate 100% on your transformation. When you looked at the clock, it was 10PM. You yawned and stretched your arms. You took out your phone to text your mother. Unluckily, your cell phone battery had went dead. Cursing yourself for not bringing your charger, you packed up your things and walked out of the classroom. When you came out of those double doors and saw Kai waiting there holding two carton's of banana milk you were surprised.    "Jong-In ah..." You sort of smiled, kind of happy to see him there.    He smiled and presented you with the milk.    "Need a walk home? How about a drink? Are you thirsty?" He asked.   He shoved the carton into your hand and you lightly thanked him. Though it was very dark out here and the street lights were barely doing their job, Kai's presence seemed to turn this night time slumber into beams of new life.   "What are you doing here?" You asked him. "I had left something and I wanted to come back and get it. I saw you in class and figured that I should walk you home. But Ga-Eul isn't with you?" He asked looking around. "Nope...she left." You said to him.  "Oh...well then...kaja..." he said.  "You really don't have to walk me home." You said to him.  "Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?" Kai asked as the two of you started down the road.  "What if those girl's saw us walking together?" You asked.    Kai laughed.    "Do you think I really care what those girl's think?" Kai put his hand on your shoulder and you feel electric vibes.   Dismissing the feeling, the both of you walked down the sidewalk talking while drinking milk.    "Do you really like banana milk?" You asked Kai after such an awkward silence.   You looked at the carton and turned it around on each sides.   "Yeah...don't you?" Kai asked.  "Not lately." You said to him.  "Huh?" Kai asked.    You smiled to yourself, wanting to reveal something to him.    "Banana might sound stupid, but I started to drink it because of Taemin sunbae.When he had helped me from being bullied that one time, he gave me bread and banana milk. After that encounter, I started to drink and eat it almost everyday." You said to him.    Kai stopped drinking his milk, engrossed in what you were saying.    "Did you like Taemin hyung that much?" Kai asked. "Mmm. I really did. I use to love eating bread and banana milk for breakfast at that bread shop. The sweet taste always filled my stomach for almost an entire day. But now...the bread and the milk doesn't smell or taste as sweet any more." you said to Kai.    "Do you still like hyung?" Kai asked quietly.    He did not know what to really say but question how you felt about Taemin now. The whole reason he called you "Ppang" was because he thought you liked bread a lot and the reason he drunk banana milk often was because he thought that it was something you liked as well. But as he learned you liked these things because of Taemin, Kai couldn't help but feel a little dumb.

  "Let's say...I'm slowly pulling myself away from Taemin..." You said.   

Kai had took a deep breath and tried to come up with another smile.    "I guess when you love, you love hard." Kai said.    You looked up at him and shrugged your shoulders.    "Anyway, I don't want to be that way again. After everything that has happened to me....I decided that today, I'm going to change from being that naive. I want to a be a girl I can be proud of. I don't want to seem weak in your eyes anymore. Not in Ga Eul's, Taemin's or Lu Han's. " You said to him.    Kai inhaled a breath of fresh air.    "If you become strong...who will I protect then?" Kai asked.  "Mmm...maybe Ga Eul...even though she might be "acting" defenseless." You joked. 

  You laughed but Kai did not. Instead Kai had stood in front of you, blocking your path. 

  "No matter how strong you become, you can always count on me to protect you." Kai said.  "Huh?"  "This cool Kim Jong In is offering his services to this ppang, whenever she needs it." He said.    You are taking aback by his declaration but none the less moved. 

  "Why would you do such a thing?" You look away, feeling those shy nerve's attack you again.    "Because...I want to." Kai said.    The real words that he wanted to say could not come out. Not now. Now was not the right time. Perhaps after the winter exams, when you completely find your confidence and let go of your weakness, then just then, he'll say what's really on his mind. Right now, this is all that he could do as your friend.    "Ppang...I like you." Kai kept saying over and over in his mind. 

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