Chapter One- FML

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*Franky Doyles POV*

I walked back into my cold unyielding shithole of a home for the next 100 fucking years.
Like I'd live that long. A few hours ago I was sitting in the state courtroom watching as witness after witness condemned me to my fate.

But they were worthless compared to the hard evidence Joan 'The Freak' Ferguson or the governer- had on me.

I had been set up, pushed to my limits by the one I trusted most,  Bridget Westfall. She'd played me and got my most guarded secret and regret I've carried. She and the freak had recorded my confession,  which ended me up in another courtroom.

And that's when the freak played the tape, sealing my fate with no chance of getting off the charges. The jury took only half an hour to give their verdict, and the judge took no time in sentencing me. I remember her cold words clearly-
"Francesca Doyle, you have been found guilty on several charges consisting of Selling forbidden Substances in Prison and The assault and Murder of Meghan Jackson. I sentence you to 30 years and two life sentences, with absolutely no chance of parole. "

I walked into H block, feeling cold and empty, following the path to my cell that was engraved in my mind. As I walked past the sitting area, everyone looked up at me and stared.

"You lot got eye problems? Coz I can fix em if ya like". Most of them cringed and went back to what they were doing,  while a few others attempted to talk to me.

Boomer, my right hand wo-man and friend until a few months ago called out- "What's up your ass? Shitty bitch." Razor wire to keep you out" I spat back. 

Bea Smith,  or Red as I call her, slapped Boomers arm and looked up at me-"what she means is what'd you get?," " I  got another Shitty lifetime with you lot. They shoulda just grew some balls and bloody executed me. Probably more peaceful to be dead."

She looked at me sadly "Oh Franky, don't talk like that, things won't get better,  but at least you'll get parole in a few years," I looked down and bit my lip. "Oh god, they didn't even give you parole?" " 30yrs and 2 life sentences.

They must think I'm a fucking vampire or something." And with that I stalked out of the room only to run smack into something hard.

We collided head on and went sliding across the polished floor, and straight into a stray rubbish bin. Who the hell leaves a fucking rubbish bin in the middle of nowhere? Fucking dipshits.

The impact left me with a throbbing head and a string of curse words that would surely send me to hell. "Watch where the fuck your going ya stupid-" and with that she pushed me off her and went to try get up before I tripped her. That'll teach her to push me.
And then she tried again. She kept trying to grab at something behind me and assumed it was some kind of weapon. I pinned her down and put all my weight on her, successfully immobilizing the bitch. Next, I reached behind me, feeling for what she was searching for.

My hand landed on something light, like paper. I examined it and it was, in fact paper. It was a map of the prison.  Labels and diagrams were scribbled on parts leading out of the prison.
"What the hell is this?!" And then it clicked. "Are you planning an escape?!" Her eyes went wide, and the world went black.


A bright light intruded my pleasurable dark heaven and swam it's way across my eyelids. "Franky..." a far off voice repeated over and over, softly at first,  then with more force. I stirred slightly.  "Franky can you hear me?" I was getting annoyed with this voice.  "FRANKY!!!"

My eyelids snapped open and were immediately blinded by a torch. " fuck off" I whined and attempted to block the light. "Can you tell me your name please?" The nurse said. I groaned "you already bloody know it,"

The nurse tutted and walked over to a small table. She came back with some small pills, a glass of water and an ice pack. "These should help with the pain," I took them slowly. "Would you like to tell me what happened?"

I looked at her and then wandered back to what happened...Some time ago....."I skidded into a rubbish bin and hit my head," at least that was partly the truth, "and ended up here."

She looked up at me doubtfully and scribbled something on her clip board. "Hm, we'll you might as well go back to your cell,  it's almost lock up. And be careful where your walking!"
I rolled my eyes and walked off, my head reeling about tonight's events.


I tossed and turned on my crappy bed,  my mind not shutting up about what happened. Who was that girl? What was she planning?  Is she going to escape? Should I hunt her down and punch her?  Etc....etc...etc...

I played over the events.
Tried to memorize what she looked like- Long brown hair, deep emerald eyes...and that was about all I remember....


My lip was bleeding and my knuckles were bruised. These were the only remnants of the fight I had with Franky Doyle. Tomorrow she'll surely try and find me after what I did to her. Maybe she'll turn me in, fuck up my plans. Whatever she does, I'll be ready. 

For revenge doesn't even know what's coming if it tries to take me down.


Hi guys, sorry for my crappy writing, I just love wentworth! If u want to check out my other stories and plz vote, comment  or mssg me ur views! Thx ♡♡gigi♡♡

☆★ps. 》if u want to mssg me what u want to happen? 《★☆

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