Chapter twelve- Sweet dreams and peppermint kisses

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Alex's POV

We arrived just down the road from the cemetery.

The sun was low in the sky casting strange ghoulish shadows amongst the willows and tombstones. Yeah it was that cliché as fuck graveyard. Creepy, ghostly, you name it. We sat under a tree and waited for the remaining group. They took forever. We were still waiting when the moon took its place in the sky above us.

I lent against Franky as we sat on the damp grass. "Do you think they've all been caught?"

She put an arm around me. " I sure hope not kiddo."

She started stroking my hair-"you remind me of a flower in spring time."
I looked up at her with a strange look." What makes you say that?"

She smiled down at my face "because your so delicate, graceful, beautiful, and you brighten up everyones lives with your colorful personality."

I was dumbfounded for a few moments. "Since when we're you so poetic?"

"Thank you would of been nice."

She looked into my eyes.


We sat like that for a few minutes, just gazing into each others eyes. A d then she did the most unexpected thing.

She tilted my chin up.

I caught my breath.

She leaned down closer.

We closed our eyes.

She pulled me closer.

She brought her lips gently down onto my own, heat bursting between our lips like fire. She caressed my cheek and lent back because of my unresponsive lips, and she searched my eyes. Just as she pulled away I yanked her back down, and our lips met for a second time, now fully moving as one. I half sat in her lap, my hand tangled in her hair while she had her hands on either side of my head. Her tongue brushed lightly against my bottom lip asking for entrance of which I granted. New flavours burst into my mouth- peppermint dominating. I almost moaned into her mouth due to it being my favorite flavour and she responded by smiling against my mouth. A voice cleared in the background. We pulled back.

Bea looked anywhere but at us. "When you guys are done playing tongue tag I'd like to leave please."

I blushed a deep scarlet and stood up quickly, avoiding all eye contact.

It shouldn't of happened.


Franky's POV

I stood up and stretched, a goofy smile on my face. Boy I'd wanted to do that for a long time. That I'll admit was one if not the best of kisses I've ever had. It was that good. I walked over at to stand with Liz and Bea, Alex finding something very interesting about a piece of bark.

I looked back to bea. " wheres Jess?"

Bea shook her head. " She went pshyco and tried to beat a police officer with his own batton. Ended up getting thrown into a truck with what looked to be booms. "

I nodded. Four of us left then.

" the place is also crawling with cops so its best to stay off the road for tonight. We should go get a room some where if we still have some money."

Alex looked up and silently patted her bag in assurance. Motel it was then.

We walked in single file to the nearest motel. And boy was it crappy.

. 24hr cheap motel
all welcome

I wonder if all extends to escaped convicts. Yeah right.

Alex went in to book a room and we waited outside. It must've been getting close to midnight now. She came out looking disgusted and just threw the keys at Liz. We were on the bottom floor right under the stairs. Ugh. Opening the door was a sight. The carpet was stained, the ceiling was mouldy, cupboard door no where in sight. One lamp. Oh and only two double beds. Shit.

" didn't they have singles? Not that I'm not okay with sleeping with you guys but..."

They all ignored me and walked off. Jerks.

I went to check out the bathroom and was blessed to see a decent working shower. Hallelujah. I grabbed a ratty looking towel and dove Right into the steamy heaven. God how I'd missed feeling clean. I washed my hair and scrubbed my skin till it tinged red, and finally got the room a slice of warm pizza awaited me and I ate it like a starved beast. Which I suppose I was. Bea was perched on one bed and Alex on the other, each reading a magazine. Liz was off god knows where. I went and sat on the obvious choice- Alex's bed- and made a point of snatching her magazine. She sighed
Loudly and announced she was getting some fresh air. naturally I followed her out.

"Hey cupcake " I made a popping noise and tapped her on the nose.

She just groaned."Franky, about before-" I cut her off " I know, I know, this is the part where you say that it was all just a big mistake and that it should never happen again."


I grinned at her "you can't say you didn't enjoy it though, I mean, after all you did moan into my mouth and all,"

I smirked at her reaction. She blushed fiercely this time.

" thought so."

I moved in closer. And pressed her up against the wall. She breathed in sharply. " so was that a yes?" I Nuzzled her neck. "Franky no-" I bit down softly earning a gasp " I said was that a yes?" She nodded. I kissed her jawline. "Say it out loud." She bit her lip. I licked her lips. "Yes?" She said nothing. I put my hands under her shirt and she jumped at the spark. "Yes...?" I nibbled on her ear. She still didnt reply. I jammed her up against the wall earning a groan. "Yes?!" "Yes!"

I pushed of her and gave her a quick peck on the lips. " good girl."

And with that I walked In to the room.


A little while later Alex came back in, tiptoing into the darkness. The only thing that could be heard was Bea's light snores and my regular even breathing. Alex gently lifted up the covers and crawled into bed. Just as she began to drift off she did the cutest thing.

She lightly draped her arm around me and snuggled closer. We fell asleep peacefully in each others arms.



Ngaww so wada ya think of #Fralexs first kissing scene??? Comment your thoughts!!! Who knows...maybe something with a bit more 'action' will be in the next chapter or so....

Above is Alex's wanted poster in real life the models name is Babara Palvin isn't she hot? ❤





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