chapter Seventeen- From Wentworth, with love.

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Joan Fergusons POV

Four Weeks, One day.

The amount of time the two inmates had been gone. I calmly crossed off the dates on my calendar.

One straight ruled line, from the left top corner to the right bottom corner.

One straight ruled line, from the bottom left corner to the top right corner.

A perfect ' X ' marked each square.

A will make it my job to put my next  X on  both the runaway inmates pictures.

Knock knock.

"Excuse me, Governer. Mr Channing is here to see you."

I put down my yellow pencil. I pulled open my bottom drawer to receive my sharpener.


"In a minute miss Bennett."

I slowly sharpened my pencil, watching the shavings fall into the bag. Once at a point, I realigned it with my set of pencils.

I look up at Vera, her eyebrows creased. Such a waste of a woman.

"Send him in Miss Bennett."

She gestures to someone outside.

Mr Channing walks in. His head is polished to an acceptable shine. Nice and clean.

"Joan! I'd say it's a pleasure to see you, but, unfortunately I'd be lying."

I looked disgustedly at a crease on his suits jacket. "What may I do for you Mr Channing?"

He lounges on the couch. " Well, the board is how do I put it nicely...pissed, with how your handling this situation. You've made hardly any moves to pursue and capture the three inmates that escaped from  your prison. The only reason we caught the other lot was purely because of public sightings."

"The time will come, Mr Channing. They will both be back in my prison soon enough."


"That will be all, Mr Channing."


Ehhh! A insight into the governers mind! How's the book going? Last chapter was a bit....ummmm awkward. But those two are like, perfect for each other. They are damn hot. Agree?

Remember to



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