Chapter Four- Revelation

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*Alex's POV*

The metallic taste of salt and iron filled my mouth.

I bit down harder and heard a satisfactory scream and loosening of arms. I released my grip on her arm and back peddled toward Franky. The woman still a threat, had to be scared off or knocked out. Somehow the latter didn't seem as rewarding in the long run.

I turned around and faced the woman, giving her my best psycho killer look. I faked a sadistic looking smile, blood running down my face and staining my teeth. I took a step forward. "Don't come near us again, and I won't have to go for your neck next time. Capeiahe? "

She nodded, fear in her eyes.

" later then." And before I left, I made a biting motion. Haha.


Franky and I made a break for my room, success fully avoiding all guards and inmates.

Once inside, we began washing the blood off and wondering what the hell just happened.

"What the hell was that about?!" I asked angrily.

" that, was a fucking bunch of lunatic good for nothing horse faced sociopathic rapists. Don't go near them okay? And definitely do not do deals with them."

Her face turned to stone with those words, her eyes getting lost in an old memory, not forgotten.

As I finished washing up, I remembered what time it was, and started cursing my way to the door. I poked my head out and looked at the clock. It was 1 min to lockup.

"Shit you godda go! Hurry you gotta minute to lock up! "

Her eyes widened and she threw my old shirt back at me that we had used as a towel. " see ya later dracula! " And with that she sprinted out of my room and back to H2.


*Frankys POV*

I made it back to my room just as Mr Jackson was nearing my 'neighbor'.


He walked past me and I sighed with relief. Walking Into my room, I looked in the mirror. Faint purplely blue marks could be seen around my neck where one of Lucys cronies had strangled me. Lucky Alex was there or I'd be dead or raped by now. Why she chose to bite her......I don't really know...Coz who the hell in this day and age bites someone? Weird.

My previous head wound had reopened as well, leaving the hair around it slightly matted. I washed myself off and layed down on my bed. I doubted I'd be able to sleep. Both pain, andreniline and excitement were still buzzing through me, making me feel wide awake.
Soon I'd be free.



That night for the first time in years I dreamt. I dreamed of birds, their long wings drifting through light fluffy clouds, their soft melodious song dancing through the air.

I dreamt of trickling water running through a stream, flowing down into miniature pools and lakes, eddies rippling the other wise peaceful ponds.

I dreamt of trees and Forests and the animals that dwelled in them. Giant swaying fortresses speckled with colour, homing wild beasts of all types.

But then the nightmares came.

Mazes. Clowns. Closing walls. Blood. Darkness.


I wasn't fond of the idea of death. The prospect had always scared me. At high school I'd refused to learn about it in health class, and in one of those classes I was near forced to learn about it. Unfortunately, that didn't go very well for the teacher. She had ended up with I broken nose, dented blackboard and a shattered projecter, and that was just one of the schools I was expelled from.

I never really liked the emo and goth kids either, their obsession with death verging the edge of creepy...then again I guess I didn't really like anyone. Growing up I had to fend for my self, due to the lack of parenting from a already ran away father and a drunk drug addict of a mother. You learn from that.

And Just when I started my life I ended it. By the time I'd finished high school I'd been in training to be a chef, and had scored a place on a national cooking show, the prize being a resteraunt and $10,000. But I fucked that up real good. I was told a random dish of my food tasted like Shit, when really it was only the grudge that the taster held against me that mattered apparently.

Being the quick to light hot headed person I am, I threw a pot of hot oil at his face.

So I basically fucked up two lives.

Or three if you count Meg.

Fuck, I've stuffed up hundreds.

Guess that makes me more useless than tits on a bull.


Heeeeey short chapter, weird ending !!! Sorry for my crappy writing I can't help it!!!! And I can't be bothered yeah...I got no wifi so I can't update every day...

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