Chapter Five- 'Allo 'Guvnor

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Franky Doyles POV



I stirred.

"Franky. Get up,"

I pulled the sheet over my head.

"Franky hurry up the governer wants to see us,"

I groan. "What time is it..."

"Five thirty am."

"Arrgh is that bitch nocturnal or some Shit. "


"ok ok stop fucking shaking me." I roll off my bed in a heap on the floor. I lay there for a few minutes, the blankets losing there comforting warmth. There was silence in the dark room, and I began to think it was all a dream as my brain attempted to reboot.

I removed the blankets from my face. No one.
I looked side to side.
No one.

I was alone.

I grabbed my clothes from next to my bed , stood up and let go of the remaining blankets. The cold air bit my feet and snaked it's way up my legs, giving the bare flesh goose bumps.

And that's when someone awkwardly coughed. From behind me. Alex was still in the room. Sneaky bastard.

I turned and raised an eyebrow, hand on my hip. "Having a good time over there? Could've just told me if you wanted a look; first times free." I winked. She averted her eyes and blushed a deep scarlet.

I couldn't resist. I pinched her cheeks until they turned white-"Ngaww, if we weren't enemies less than twelve hours ago, I'd say thats cute." I grinned while she made a disgusted face - "Ew wtf, wait, we're not enemies now? "

"Yup" I popped the 'p'.

"Says who"

"My inner monolog"

"I'm waiting outside"

"Your in prison honey; there is no outside! " I called back.

And just before she left she muttered something inaudible.

But I heard it.

....."not for long".....


The florescent lights flickered and cast strange shadows on the walls as Alex and I walked through the empty corridors toward the governers office.
I'd been here many times, by myself, but why she wanted to see Alex and I together was beyond me. After all, the bitch is psycho.

I was plotting a plausible explanation for last night's incidents when I was distracted by a certain traitorous blonde.

Bridget Westfall.

Former love of my life.

Current scandalous cow.

As she turned around and went to walk out of her office, our eyes made contact. The same eyes that once looked at me with lust. I had mistaken that feeling for love, and spilled my guts out to her, craving her trust. She just took my heart and shat all over it like the bitch she is.

And she even had the nerve to talk to me.

"Franky, what are you doing up at this time of the morning? I hope your not in trouble, always a trouble maker you were. "

"Yeah well if it weren't for you I wouldn't be in here you heartless cow." I said coldly.

"Franky, you can't blame others for your problems. It's your fault you murdered Meghan in cold blood, not mine. "

My anger really flared at those words. I was so close to tearing that smug look off her face. "You wanna talk about cold blood? Well you used me. You broke my heart. Tore it up. You made me into a fucking zombie. And all for what? I confession. Note to self: never trust a fucking shrink. " I took a menacing step toward her.

Alex pulled me back. " Cmon Franky, horsepants over here is late for her job at Hooters. " She then gave her one of the most hateful stares I've ever seen on a person.


Alex's POV

Franky and I sat outside the governers office waiting for her to arrive.

Franky sat in still silence, attempting to hold herself together I suspect. When we were walking away from that woman, I saw the pain on Frankys face and the tears gathered in the corner of her eyes.

I bet no ones ever seen the big bad franky cry. Every one only ever sees the tough, fiesty, strong willed dyke. What no body really sees is the fragile, emotional and kind person she really is.

I layed a hand on her back, not knowing how else to reassure her without getting my head bitten off. She just stayed the way she was; face blank, black bangs forming a curtain around her face. But she did visibly relax. Slightly.

We both looked up at the approach of the governer. "Doyle, Melarosa. Ease come in." She gestured to her office. Franky and I shared a look.

This was going to be interesting.


Joan Fergusons POV
(The governer)

I looked at the two inmates. So helpless, yet so full of hope.

I remember as a young prison guard, I used to encounter so many young females. Most of the ones at my prison are so old and too mature.

But these two I particularly like . Miss Melarosa has quite striking eyes, while Miss Doyle has an amusing demeanor about her.

Yet I have received some information about the two women that have peaked my interests.

I watch them for a few minutes, Francescas body language impatient, Alejandra staring out of the window.

After a few moments I speak. "It has come to my attention that you two have been involved in recent incidents relating to past situations. Am I right?"

Francesca looks me in the eye-"sorry freak, but I don't speak code. Whata you referring to?"

I look down at the papers on my desk.

According to a certain source, you Doyle, have been trafficking drugs throughout my prison, and forcing Melarosa to deliver them. Is this true?"

Franky scoffed-"Me, dealing? I gave that up months ago. Don't have the money to do it even if I wanted to. As for Alex doing my dirty work? Couldn't make her if I tried. She'd skin me alive. So no your 'source' is talking Shit. Maybe time to hire a new one eh?" She raised her eyebrows, arms folded lazily.

Just then Miss Bennett walked in. "Excuse me Governer, Mr Channing is here to talk to you."

He walked in the room like he owned it and sat down in the corner of the room, eyeing up the two inmates hungrily. "Hello Joan, ladies. Hope I'm not interrupting. Just thought I'd come by for a chat. "

I looked at him and nodded to miss Bennett. "Please escort these two prisoners back to their block."

And I watched the door shut behind them.


Heey guys ♡♡

I can't seem to write long chapters, but aim for at least 1000 words ▲.▲

I try and write a chapter every night but don't have wifi so I update when I can soz ~_~

But plz plz plz! Vote and comment! I need ideas man haha

And if u wanna add me on Facebook mssg me.....

Love ya ♥♥


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