Chapter fifteen-Guilt Trip, ■ Does Not Compute ■

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Beas POV

The sky was beginning to change into a deep soothing purple. I rolled off Franky, red faced and exhausted.

" I puffed out.


We lay there on the rocky sand like ground, watching distant clouds float across the sky. I sighed. "I guess we better get going."

"S' pose."

I slowly sat up, wincing as I rubbed a spot by my ribs. She really did a number on me. We must've been at it for hours, no wonder we're tired. Too tired too drive. "Alex? Can you start the car please?  We'll get going in a minute. " I yelled. Waiting for the sound of the engine to start,  I helped pull franky up. "Alex?" I called again. Franky sighed.  "She's probably giving us the silent treatment. " I nodded and we both waddled over to the car. I peered into the car.

It was empty.

Alex wasn't there. 

"What the fuck?  Where is she?  Bea! Where the fuck did she go!?" Franky spun around. " Alex! Where are you?! This isn't funny! Hurry up and get in the car!" Frantically she searched the area, jogging around from spot to spot.  "Maybe she was abducted by aliens. " She stopped in her tracks.  Slowly turning toward me, I could see the sourest look on her face. " Aliens. Aliens. How fucking retarded are you? This is serious. Some has disappeared.   And your first thought is aliens?"

"Well, we are in the middle of nowhere."

She face palmed and walked off muttering profanities.

Time to start the search.


Alex's POV

I wiped the sweat off my brow, finally in line with the stretch of  bushland.

It had taken me two hours to walk here, the distance being way more than I had estimated. I drunk the last of the water in my bottle. Being in a desert climate,  saving water would of been the ideal and safest option to oblige,  but in this heat I would of died of dehydration if i didn't drink now. Doesn't make sense I know but....yeah.

I looked up at the sky.  It was a deep indigo, and the temperature was dropping dramtically.  Just like my life. Maybe going into this situation completely unprepared was not the way to go. Okay it definitely wasn't. Sigh. Deciding to actually do something I went in search of shelter. Gathering sticks  and branches from the barren landscape reminded me of my childhood, when I was back in scouts.  I remember building all sorts of things when we went camping, which was a lot. I smiled at the memories.  I even re-


I tripped and went face planting right onto the ground.

I groaned. "Shit that hurt."

I turned over to curse at what I'd tripped on. A mangled bag of fur, blood and bones lay beneath my shoe. Flies swarmed about it like a tornado, upset by the giant that ungracefully Interupted them. I nearly gagged. The dead animal stunk, but looked about three days fresh.  The work of a hunter. Goosebumps swarmed my skin as a blanket of fear swathed itself around me. What killed it? A snake? Couldn't of, don't they swallow things whole?  Spider?  Too small you idiot.  Kangaroo...? Oh my god you get more retarded with every guess. And then it hit me. Immediate fears of wild dogs and giant man eating lizards - goanas- swamped my mind. These were the types of beasts that prowled the night, looking for a meal to drag off to their lair and binge on. And I could be their main.  I gulped.  I really am the stupidst person I know.

With shaky hands I picked up my stuff and tore my eyes away from the thing, going back to my original goal of making shelter.  Backing up against a rock wall, I began to assemble my branchs into a tent like structure, Hoping to hell it doesn't rain.  Next I successfully lit a fire- and just my luck- I had matches!  Hallelujah! It was the pack I stole from the motel kitchen , along with other things,  and I was ecstatic to know I didn't have to spend countless hours rubbing freaking sticks together. I then started Topping up my branch pile to make a bonfire, then started barricading my campsite with dragged over logs. Yeah I really wasn't taking any chances after what I saw.

By the time I finished my tasks I was sweating like a rapist. (Wtf is this comparison? !)  The sky was pitch black, but I was comforted by the soft glow of the fire. I sighed.  As soon as dawn captures the sky I'm getting out of this shithole.  I was absolutely exhausted by now, so I crawled into my 'tent'. Here's to a good nights sleep.

The ground was cold and scratched my back, and the temperature had dropped severely.  My teeth chattered as I began to regain my thoughts, memories of yesterday's fight and walking out Into the wilderness flitting back too me. I then recognized my surroundings. It was dark, the kind of dark where you see absolutely nothing, not even your own body. I could make out faint embers where my fire had died out. How long had I been asleep? Actually no, who had woken me up? What had woken me up?

Low grunts sounded not far from me, freezing me in place. I stopped breathing. Scratching sounds echoed throughout the night, nearer and nearer to where I was sitting. I whimpered. A low growl emitted from behind me. Tears streamed down my face as I slapped a hand over my mouth. Tonight I was going to die. Tonight was my last day on earth. There was so much I could of done with my life-

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as the thing pounced on me, sending me skidding out of the shelter.I tried to pry it off of me as it held me down, weight constricting. I lashed out at it, managing to roll it off of me. It's hands latched aro- wait what? Hands? Animals have hands? " Get off me you crazy bitch!" My eyes widened as I realized who it was. "Franky!" I laughed and fell onto her, hugging her tightly. " Where did you come from? How did you even find me? Oh boy am I happy to see you!"

She awkwardly patted my back and we pulled apart.  " When we realized you were gone, we went looking for you. But it was getting dark, and we couldn't see anything.  Bea gave up and went back to the car to see if you'd show up, but I wanted to keep looking. I could see smoke coming from over here, and well, here I am.

I blew out a breath, mulling over my thoughts.  " What was with the sound effects though? were you actually hoping to scare me?" She made a face. " What sound effects?  I do my work quietly thank you,"  the hairs on my neck began to prickle. "Your saying that just before you came into my...whatever that weren't making grunting and scraping noises...?" She shook her head.

Growling resonated behind us. "Please tell me that was you," She said.

We slowly turned around, to come
Face To Face with narrowed, yellow, glowing eyes.


Omg what is it?!

Sorry for the late chapter guyz

New one coming soon

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