Chapter Twenty one - Truth be Told

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Hii :)

This chapter is dedicated to my lovely reader alligetscared because of the really great comments she left me. Please go check out her story! It's also a wentworth fanfic and it's actually really amazing.  

Tap tap.

I jolted awake at a sound to my left. Rubbing my eyes tiredly I looked out the window. Peering in through the glass an amused pair of blue eyes looked back at me.


I pryed open the door and leaped out to hug him.

"Hey there cupcake. Didn't know you'd gone lez, " he winked.

"I'm have not." I pushed him back and rested against the cold metal car. "Anyway,  whataya you doing all the way out here? I thought you were sending someone out."

He plastered a lazy smile on his face. "Well, I have a few weeks holiday left until I have to go back to work, then I got your call. So then I thought, what better way to spend my spare time than with my favorite person in the whole wide world." He held out his arms and spun around.

I snorted. "Sure. We all know your favorite person in the world is that guy at dunkin donuts,"

He grinned." What can I say, the man makes my life better with that all those extra sides."

"He's just trying to buy your love!"

"What can I say, I'm a beautiful creature," I laughed.

"Who's a beautiful creature? " Franky got out of the car and stretched.

Seddon jumped back. "Lexi,  you didn't tell me you were traveling with such a sexy companion, "

"I'm taken,''
"She's not interested"

We both said in union.

"Woah okay. But if--"

"No! Time to shut up you horny bastard! "

Franky eyed us suspiciously, eyes calculating. "So you guys know each other? "

"Yup, grew up together basicly.  Even occasional--"

"Shut up you idiot! " I caught him just in time.

Franky narrowed her eyes. "Alex don't be so rude. Please carry on...,"

"Seddon. Yeah, as I was saying, we went through high school together etc, and even occasionally hooked up " I gave him the look, you know the one that says avoid that topic! " tooo erm do... pottery! Yup we did pottery together! " he averted his gaze and became increasingly interested in the sky.

Franky gave us a blank look. " Oh.  Thought you were gonna tell me you were fuck buddies.  Better show me some of that pottery soon eh Alex?" She said the last bit sarcastically.  I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I began to scuff my boots against the dirt uncomfortablely.  She knew we were lying, and had a dead on prediction of what Seddon had originally intended to say.

A few moment later I broke the silence. "So do you have the gas?"

"Um yeah its already in the car."

I nodded and turned toward the driver's side door.

"I call shotgun!" Seddon shouted excitedly.

I locked the passenger door as he went to open it. "Sorry mate. Your getting in the bloody back. "

"Oh but whyyyy" he whined.

I sighed. " I can't risk you being seen with us. " I said seriously.

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