chapter thirteen- The talents we possess

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Hey guys featuring my all time fave song in this chapter, sorry I just had to have it in there somewhere! If you don't get the lyrics, message me or comment for the meaning! Today's song is 'Mirrors by PVRIS, but this is the acoustic SEE version. Youtube video of it will be posted asap!



Alex's POV

I woke up in a very...awkward...position.

Someone was shaking me.
I unwrapped my arms from around Franky and rolled off of the bed, in the process banging my head on the end table.

I groaned.

"Where's your wallet?!"

I sat up confused. "Huh?"

"Where's your fucking wallet?!" Bea demanded.

I sat back. " in my bag in the bathroom..."

"Fuck." She muttered.


"It seems Liz has gone on a little shopping spree. Took all our money and probably fucked off to some bar."

I muttered out profanities.

I sat my self on the edge on the bed , my head heavy in my hands.

"I'm going out to look for her. Maybe salvage what's left." Bea walked out the door.

I sighed loudly. What were we going to do? That was our only money! We couldn't steal money, we wernt exactly pickpockets. Hmmph. What to do?

Just then someone wrapped their arms around me from behind and dragged me backwards onto the bed.

I landed onto a firm chest and squealed realizing who it was.

"Franky!" I fought to get back up but she held me back.

"Good morning to you too cupcake!" She laughed cheerily and gave me a cheeky kiss on the neck and let me go.

"What the hell was that for?" I demanded.

"What? Can't I be happy?" She grinned.

I rolled my eyes.

"Today," she turned and sat cross-legged in front of me and grabbed my hands "my new goal in life is to win your love."

What the hell did she just say?!

"W-w-what?" I stammered out wide eyed.

"You know, win your heart, your affection, fondness or whatever." She traced patterns on my leg.

I didn't know what to say.

"Liz stole our money" I said.

She looked at me irratatedly. " way to kill the mood."

"What mood?"

She sighed heavily. "I think I'm falling in love with you".

Whoa. Thats a bit sudden. a serious word. You don't go throwing that around.

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