Chapter Twenty two- Hearts of betrayal

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I closed my eyes. "You wish all this would just go away?"

"Whataya mean? "

"All this crime stuff. Life on the run. I wish I could just be a normal person. I wish, well,  that never killed the governer. "

"The governer.?"

" You know, Meg Jackson. Officer Jacksons wife."

She didn't reply.


I opened my eyes and straightend up.


She'd visiblely tensed up,  eyes as round as saucers. 


"She's the one you went to court about?"

"Yeah, why?"

She looked around and bounced her leg nervously up and down.

"Alex, what's wrong?"

She shook her head and started muttering.

"Alex, if that's what's worrying you, I never meant to kill her, it was an accident--"


I flinched. "Alex,--"

"Franky you didn't murder Meghan Jackson."

I looked confusedly at her. "What?"

"It wasn't you who murdered her," She looked me directly in the eyes.

"Franky. I killed Meg Jackson."


Alex's POV

A million emotions passed her face within seconds.

First is was a look of utter confusion,  shock, confusion again, anger and then a stony faced expression.

"I don't believe you."

It was those four words that set the ball rolling.


She stood up. "Dont you dare 'franky' me! Why the fuck would you even say any of that? What the fuck?! Is it to make me feel better about my fucking self? To wash the mother fucking guilt away?! What Alex! WHAT?!"

I gaped at her wide eyed.

"I-I- I can explain,"

"You better fucking be able to." She spat.

I stood up and walked a safe distance away from her, and, from the cliff. From what I'd heard about Frankys temper, you could say I wasn't taking any chances.

I took a deep breath and began.

"When I was younger, round about eleven, I had the most wonderful life a kid could have. My dad , he was a cop. I had two little twin sisters,  each about the age of three. My mum was pregnant with what would've been my baby brother. One day, I came home from school early because I was sick. I thought no one was home, because everyone was supposed to be at work. I was wrong.  I walked in on My dad and his colleague, doing it in the living room.  That woman was Meg Jackson,"

"What? So you murdered some chick because she fucked your dad?"

I ignored her and carried on.

"When my dad went out to find me that day, Meg found me first.  She threatened me. Said that if I told anyone she'd make my life hell. I punched her in the face and ran off to tell my mom. I told her dad'd been having an affair. She didn't react. Just went home and packed her bags, found her in hospital the next day, she'd lost the baby because of that stress.

"Dad started drinking heavily and gambling,  hardly ever at home to look after us kids. When he was, he'd lock us outside in the cold while he stayed inside with that slut and did god knows what. Mum never came home either,  from what I heard she's dead now. Most likely killed herself. I came home one day to find police everywhere. My dad was in the back of a patrol car, Meg standing by, two body bags being put into a truck. That Whore murdered my sisters. Ran over them. Blamed my dad she did. Said he did it on purpose,  got him locked up for twenty years. Just because she couldn't admit what she'd done, because she didn't want to damage her career.  "

I took a breath and wiped a stray tear.

" that night, I vowed to myself I'd get her back for what she did to me. Once I turned eighteen I graduated,  left the orphanage and changed my name. The day of the riot, I had organized a meeting with her, going for a job interview as a prison psychologist. During the meeting,  sirens sounded and that's when the riot started. I followed her. Saw you get her and run off.  Trouble is, you failed. She'd gotten near the hall when I found her again, and that's when I found my opportunity.  I stabbed the bitch. I was the one who killed her.

"She killed my mother. My sisters.  My unborn brother. Basicly my father. She killed me. She ruined my life franky. I'm not sorry for what I've done. I will never be. "

I sighed and rubbed my temples.  A headache was beginning to form.

I sat down again and watched her. He cheeks were damp, mouth set in a hard line.

I could detect the hurt in her voice as she spoke. "Alex. I-, well I know what's happened to you is wrong but- you need to fess up. I have lived with the guilt for years, hell, if i hadn't of met you I'd be rotting in prison for something I didn't do. I am a convicted murderer. I could be free. You've been talking about freedom and all that shit, yet you've lied to me the whole time? You go to the police.  You confess everything.  So I can go live my life, get married and do whatever the hell it is I wanted to be."

I nodded.

Some things you just have to do.

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