Chapter Ten- Guardian Angel

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He never came.

I cracked open my eyes.

Every thing was blurry, but I could make out another figure holding what looked to be a shovel. I let out a high pitch cry. The figure walked away from the lifeless body toward me. At closer inspection I could make out jet black hair and steely gray eyes.

"Franky" I choked out.

She looked horrified as she came nearer, fear and concern on her face. She put her arms around me but I winced, so she attempted to help me up. We limped over to the door, but then she paused.

She retrieved a rain filled bucket from out the door and threw the water over him. He jolted awake with a string of curses, glaring at franky. And that's when she did the unthinkable.

She grabbed a pair of hedge clippers.

And chopped of his thang.

I didn't know whether to cheer, laugh or Vomit.

His screams echoed throughout the garage, as franky beat him senseless. She spat on him. And then she hit him again with the spade. Hallelujah.

We progressively made our way toward the house, where she banged on the door. Liz cautiously opened it a crack, and then opened it wide and covered her mouth. Jess stumbled out bleary eyed and stopped at the sight of me.

"Shit! "

Franky spoke a few words to her-" go get Boomer and pack your stuff, we're getting out of here. Jess, go find all the first aid and blankets you can get, as well as food. Hurry"

Franky sat me on the couch and tucked my hair behind my ears. She squeezed my hand lightly as we waited for everyone to gather up. When we were done we began to form a plan. Liz and Boomer went to get our car while we waited on the porch. It was around midnight by now. The rain had eased slightly when the car pulled up. Except it wasn't ours. It was the pick up truck. Liz had hot wired it and Boomer had draped the high cover over the back which made it look like a mini truck. How she knew how to hot wire was beyond me.

We ran - or rather I limped- toward the car. Franky ushered me into the back and the other's sat in the cab. And off we went.

The cover only covered us to a height of which we could just sit comfortably under, and we had draped spare blankets and a few pillows on the floor.

Franky cleaned each of my wounds which by now we're killing me, even though I'd taken a few pain killers. The dressings would have to do until we found something decent. When she was done dressing my back I leaned back into her, both of us listening to the soft pitter patter of rain drops on our little roof, and in time, eventually falling asleep.

i woke to the sound of the sea.

Light filtered through the black cover above me and the roaring of the waves crashing on the shore alert Me to wear I was.

I adjusted my eyesight fully to the scene around me. No one was there. Franky wasn't next to me and I couldn't hear the others.

Where was everyone?

I sat up and winced, my injured back searing with pain. I scooted to the edge of the truck and peeked out of the door. No one. Just trees and rocks and sea. I opened the door and got out. Looking around and stretching my tight muscles I looked for any signs of humanity. Lol. A small public toilet was near a group of trees and felt appealing to my cut hands. I walked over there, my leg slightly aching, and heard voices inside. Might be the others I thought. I walked in the bathroom to the sight of Jess and Franky with their tops off, washing themselves with water and soap from the sink. Liz was drying herself with paper towels and Boomer was washing her spare clothes in the other sink. I blushed at Jess and Frankys half nakedness.

They smiled at me when I walked in.

"Hey Rudolph, your finally up. We're just having a little toilet break. Care to join?" Franky smirked.

I just nodded and walked over to the only other vacant sink. Taking my shirt off I turned around to look at .y back. Two long gashes surrounded by angry red glows ran down my back, with little cuts and a few bruises following. Franky came up behind me and put her cold fingers on my shoulders. We stood like that for a brief moment, just looking in the mirror like that. We then snapped out of it and I began to dab at the cuts with a wet paper towel. My cheeks and jaw were also minorly bruised and my lip slightly split at the side. Thank god it wasn't anything too major. I put my shirt back on and hugged myself, surveying the damage. We then left for the car, and drove off. Jess was now driving, and we were all in the cab.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Just half an hour out of Melbourne. We drove back into the city this morning and drove back out the other side."

I thought for a moment. "You realize we're gonna have to ditch the car right? Next town we get to, we'll steal a car and some clothes. Sound good?"

Boomer looked at me. "Why do we have to steal clothes?"

I looked expectantly at her. " Well we can't exactly buy any now can we? And we can't just parade around in these clothes. Someone will recognize us for sure."

She nodded in agreement.

For the next hour or however long it was we sat in silence with the occasional yawn or sigh. Finally we reached the next town. It was a cute little township from what we could see from driving down the main street. Late morning sunlight pored onto the red paved sidewalks which were dotted with the occasional tree. A few cars were parked outside multiple shops and we began to drift toward the housing areas. We waited across the road behind a house where a lady had just finished pulling in washing and had put it into a basket next to her deck. We waited for her to go inside and she lucky for us went out to her car and drove off somewhere.

" Franky, go get that basket!" I said. We ended up pushing her out the door and she sprinted into the unfenced property, successfully grabbing the basket. On Her Way Out She tripped over something in the yard and face planted into the grass. We cracked up laughing as she began to hurriedly gather the clothes as she made a mad dash for the car.

Once inside she had a pissed off look on her face as we attempted not to laugh. "Oh shut up you bunch of ass holes. " We just laughed harder. " you want some cheese with that whine?" I said between laughs. "I didn't say that to you last night." She huffed. We all went silent. I tensed up and had my eyes downcast. The horrible scene of events replayed like a movie in my head.

"Hey, didn't mean it," Franky said quietly.

I just replied with a tight lipped smile.


We sorted through the clothes and found that most were too big or too small. But they'd have to do. I now wore a black hoodie and some faded jeans, my prison converse still on my feet.

We had dumped the car and washing at a nearby junk yard, hoping no one would notice until it was too late. We were now scoping out the area looking for a suitable car to get, but most were rust buckets that didn't look like they'd get us far. We were relying on something with enough petrol to get us somewhere else at least and the only car we could find was a kinda out there car- an orange suzuki swift, kinda like a mini. It had a fill tank of gas and just enough seats so we had to take it. The owner had left the doors unlocked (too bloody trustworthy) , so it was easy access for us. Franky hot wired the car this time and was the designated driver, according to Jess and Boomer, who had found a bottle of wine under the seat. Liz was angry that they wouldn't share, but being the alcoholic she was we all refused to give her some. And I didn't drink so....yeah.

We just kept driving until we reached a highway, which we guesses led into a city. Easy to hide in. Great. But that's when things got Shitty all over again.

Blue and red flashed behind us.

The Police.




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