Chapter sixteen - Highway to Hell

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Alex's POV

I watched as Franky Yelled at the beast- a dingo, as it slowly circled her.

"Fuck off ya bloody mutt!"

It looked at her offended by the insults. Slowly it approached her, teeth bared and sharp. She threw a stick and started screaming her head of at it, making as much noise as posible. It came closer. She waved her hands around. I lit a match and waved it around. Yeah pretty pathetic I know, but was fire, and aren't wild animals supposed to be scared of fire?  Franky gave me an 'are you serious' look. Im even sure the dog,  now within three  meters of us, rolled its eyes as well. It snapped its teeth at me. Fearing for my life, I stepped backwards toward Franky. Side by side we stood, she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. God knows when she had grabbed it. The dingo was now within two meters . "Close your eyes." Franky said.  I did as I was told. I didn't want the last image I ever see to be blood or whatever.  We backed away slowly. "can't we just bloody run?" I whispered.  " Never run from a dog. Especially not a wild one that's already trying to eat you. " I peeked open an eye to study our surroundings . The beast was now circling us. Wait, no its not its over there. What? No its off to the side of me im sure. Fuck what? Now it's on a rock. Wait...Oh shit.

"Franky, if um... you haven't realized yet we...are...surrounded by these bloody things."


I internally swallowed.  We were really gonna be dinner tonight.

"Fuck it, we're gonna die anyway,  let's just fucking run for it." She yanked my hand and we tore off into the night. Behind me I heard surprised and throaty growls of annoyance.  We had at least a five second head start on them, which  wasn't much considering they're probably faster than us, and would probably enjoy the thrill of the chase.  Franky let out a yelp as one nipped at her leg. "Fucking bastard mutt!" I internally flinched. Despite Frankys Constant use of profanities said tonight, I still wasn't completely used to hearing them so often. She actually Suprisingly didn't use them much around me, which was kind of weird. I think- "OW! " a ragged slimy tooth briefly grazed my leg. " Cmon just a little further! Beas up ahead by the road!"  I pumped my legs harder, welcoming the encouragement.

Soon the road was in sight. I tried to make out the outline of a car, but there was none. "She's fucking ditched us!" Franky Yelled.  My last bit of hope flickered out. We had been abandoned in the middle of nowhere, hunted by a pack of wild dogs, and to make it more depressing, in almost pitch black darkness. The sky was beginning to slightly lighten, enough to make out shapes. My feet hit cold tarseal as we bounded onto the road. I turned my head to spot franky a few meters  behind me.

With a dog behind her.

Dangerously close.

Close enough to full on bite her-


She ran slightly faster,  enough out of the dogs-


A dingo went flying across the road, unconscious.  The distant silhouette of a car disappeared into the night once again. So,  One Down two To go.  Maybe someone really was watching over us. Or just franky. I don't know. I could feel my body slowing down,  my pace wavering. Hyped excited howls sounded not far from me. "Ihhhhahhh! "Franky sprinted past me. Not looking where I was going and being the klutz I am, I tripped.

Yup, I tripped. I'm dead meat. Litterally. ( cue face palm )  I waited for the weight to leap on my back, but nothing happened.  Short abrupt barks were heard from behind me, followed by a loud CRACK!!!. was that a gun?  Maybe Bea came back after all. I rolled over as Franky sprinted back over to me and helped me up. The night was eerily silent as ghostly  trails of smoke littered the air. I turned my head to follow the culprit.

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