Chapter Seven - Blood sacrifices

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Alejandra Melarosa s POV

"There's too much blood! Where gonna have to leave her here!"

She started screaming in agony, blood spewing out of the wound. The others huddled around her trying to help, but we had to leave her and try again.

"She's gonna give our position away with all that yelling! " I said.

But I couldn't risk it.

It would have to be all for one.

Not one for all.

So I jumped, leaving her to pass out.


Franky and I sat huddled in a corner of H2's living room thing (it was a cross between a rec room, lounge and kitchen thing???) , waiting for the others to arrive for our last 'meeting' until later. Tonight we were leaving, and Franky and I so far were a bunch of nerves. I so far had a straight faced, emotionless expression while franky on the other hand looked like someone was about to come murder her, as she jumped at every loud voice or sudden sound. When someone touched her shoulder earlier she got such a fright she accidentally slapped dooreen. Which brings us back to why we're in the corner of the room against the wall. Jess and Liz had arrived about the same time, with Boomer and Bea arriving a few minutes later.

They all looked anxiously around. I then took charge. " get those stupid looks off your faces or your gonna give something away! You all look like a bunch of cats about to get thrown in the water." I hush whispered.

"What's the plan for tonight? "

I leaned in and quietly explained, keeping a wary eye on the guards.

"At exactly 2.07am, open your doors silently. wait 5 min until all the guards pass, then in single file slip into the H2 bathroom. When you are all in there, listen out for a quiet tapping in the ceiling. When you hear it, get yourself up to the vent and I'll slide it open. It will be a tight fit at first but it gets wider.

We will then crawl through the ventilation system until we reach the passage that leads down into the maintenance closet. From there we'll crawl down the other vents in the floor, until we reach the basement. The rest you'll find out later, cause the screws are walking toward us right now. " while I explained we had been playing cards, to make it seem like we were doing something.

Vera or morw formally known as , Officer Bennett came over to us.

"Ladies, your awfully quiet tonight. Anything I can help with?"

Boomer thankfully spoke-"nah ms Bennett, where just not really feeling up to it today. Think the flu might be going round, Tracey over there's got it," She gestured to some random sneezing redhead " bloody bitch is sharing it with the lot of us."

Vera still looked slightly suspicious. " Well then. Lockups in 5mins, better get back to your block Melarosa. After all, Doyle seems to be getting in a bit of trouble when your around. Maybe better to find a different partner in crime." And with that she walked off.

I shared a look with Franky, Bea smiling amusedly at us. I rolled my eyes. "Typical prison joke eh? Shes not very creative. . ."

Boomer laughed " ah ya better get Outta here before vinegar tits finds more jokes to accuse you and Franky with."

I shook my head and got up, sprinkling my cards over all their heads, earning annoyed looks. I then made my way back to my block, excited for the nights events.

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