Chapter nineteen- Epiphany

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The annoying high pitched 'bleepbleep' of my phone woke me as I received a text.

"Ugh" I rolled over, groggily reaching for my phone. My hand found the cold metal surface just as another text lit up the screen. "Turn that thing off...and go...back to...sleep..." Seddon complained, slowly drifting back into a worriless sleep. Nice for some. I checked my phone. 6.54am.

To : Alex
From : Leena ♡♡


Wea u?

To : Leena ♡♡
From : Alex

At a friends house. Why?

To : Alex
From : Leena ♡♡

Can u pick me up nw
I'm outside the party house

To : Leena ♡♡
From : Alex

Fine -_-

I put the phone down and yawned. "Bloody hell woman, can't just wake up at the same time as a normal person can you," Seddon moaned.

"Oh shit." I sat up in bed.

He rolled over and eyed me sleepily. "What now?"

I gave a sheepish smile. "Guess who has the keys to a car thirty Kays away,"

He slammed the pillow on his head and yelled nonsense into it. After his rant, he threw the pillow at me.

"What the hell Seddon ?!"

"You. Idiot."

"Well it's not my fault you were creepin on me last night. "

"In which way are we talking about?" He winked.

I face palmed. "Can you just, drive me back? "

He groaned loudly. After several moments of silence he spoke. " I honestly can't be bothered. Just take my old car. You might as well have it, I'm getting a porshe anyway."

I blinked. "Okay."

After about ten minutes of strenuously trying to locate various parts of my clothing a rushed out the door. "Text you soon!"

Turns out his old car was in fact old. But in a good way. Cause it was a classic. And just my luck, it was my favorite car- a 1967 dark green Ford Mustang, and boy was I amazed. For the first time in ages I did feel free, zooming down the deserted highway, with nothing but a barren red landscape to accompany me.

However, my mood dropped as soon as I saw the look on Leena's face. She looked depressed, almost empty, and had mascara streaks down her face, indicating she had been crying. She stood up from the side of the road as I pulled up. I took my sunglasses which I had found in the glove box off to get a better look at her.

"What the hell happened?"

"Lewis...I caught him with another girl."


I handed her the keys to her families car. "Drive home. I'm just gonna go check something out."

I left in search of Lewis before she could reply. That horny little two timing bastard. I'll kill him. I searched the wrecked house for him, but came up with nothing. Drunk teens and beer cans littered the house, the foul stench of sweat and vomit perfuming the air. I marched out into the back yard,   only seing-

"Oomphh" I fell flat on my face.

"What the fuck-"

What pure coincidence. "Just the person I was looking for." I drew back my arm as my fist flew into his face, drawing blood nearby his cheek. "That, is for Leena, and this-" I kicked him in the balls "-is for tripping me over ass face." He coughed. "Alex! No! What are you doing!" She came sprinting after me. "Wha-" I was cut off as a sharp pain spread throughout my entire face.

She punched me.

My best friend punched me.

I cradled my nose with my hand as she tended to Lewis's own face. My vision blurred a little as blood began to run freely down my dress. Dayum that girl can punch I'll give her that.

I waited until she had done and followed behind her in my car. The blood had stopped but was still smeared over my face, so I think I was safe to drive.

An hour later and we were back at the familiar farm,  Johnson and Clark already hard at work and Martha just beginning to prepare breakfast. Leena stormed past me and ran up the stairs, while I drew attention in the kitchen.

"Oh my," 

"What the fuck happened to you?!"

Franky sat at a barstool while Martha rushed over to me. "Oh darn, it's certainly broken, better go get fixed up. " She ushered me toward the bathroom. "Actually, I can do it myself. You go back to what you were doing." I gave her a tight lipped smile before she walked off.

I closed the door behind me and collapsed onto the bathroom sink. Looking into the mirror, I didn't recognize the girl that was there. She was thin, fragile looking and pale if not for the makeup barely covering her skin tone. Dark circles were now barely breaking the surface under her eyes,  her hair now inches longer than it had originally been. Who was this girl? What-Who had I become? This running, it was really taking its toll on me. When I think about it I was exhausted. Since I left, I'd never really taken a good look at myself. Everything I saw of myself was pink tinged- a facade, a mask that covered the thing I was becoming. A knock Interupted my thoughts.

"Alex? I'm coming in."

The brass know of the Door turned as franky slipped through into the tiny room. "You alright?" I took one look at her- what she really looked like, and collapsed into a heap into her. She brought me down to the floor as I began to sob, salty crystalline tears streaming down my cheeks. She looks like me. Her eyes dull, skinny, sunken cheeks...and how long had we been gone? Days? Weeks? Months? I had no idea. What was the point of running when your just trapped inside of an even bigger prison? A cfuel error more ruthless one that wasn't afraid to risk? To torture it's own inmates? To kill if needed? Sure, we all are sentenced to death in the end, but what about life? Are we ever really free? Or is freedom just a brief figment of the imagination?

I gave up thinking and just lay in Frankys arms motionless, listening to the soothing sound of her voice as she whispered sweet nothings into my hair. After a while I gained enough energy to speak.

"I think it's time to move on. We've overstayed our welcome."

It was with that statement that ended us back on the road, watching as red after red blurred by, the memory of the long hugged good byes from only  three of the family, the absence of Leena which broke my heart the most.

And then there were two.

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